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Gilbert Residence
Jeremy is calling Vicki,"You gotta call me Vick. I don't get it. What's going on with you? Just...just call me please." He hangs up the phone.
I just got back from the store. I went to go check on Jeremy.
Nevaeh:"Hey. So, um, do you wanna hang out with me and Elena tonight? We could go to the, uh, Halloween thing at school. Could be fun."
Jeremy:"Cool. Sure. Sounds Uh...sounds fun. Can't wait."
Nevaeh:"I know that you're upset about Vicki. I heard that she called Jace. But you can't see her anymore. She needs to get better. The best thing you need to do for her, is let her go."
Jeremy:"What does that even mean, "let her go"? Oh, okay, sure. Since we're such great experts on letting people go, right?"
Nevaeh:"I know that you may not see it, but trust me Jer. It's for the best."
Jeremy:"Look, for months after mom and dad died, I felt like crap, like "nothing even mattered" crap. Now all of a sudden, I get these moments and things started to feel just a little better, and Vicki, was in every single one of them. So keeping me away from her, is not for the best."
He walked out of the room and was exchanging text messages between Vicki, making plans to meet up at the Halloween party tonight.
Mystic Falls High

(Nevaeh has the black costume, and Elena has the white costume)Elena, Jeremy and I made to the Halloween party

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(Nevaeh has the black costume, and Elena has the white costume)
Elena, Jeremy and I made to the Halloween party. Me and Elena was matching, we always do this every Halloween.
Jeremy scares some little kids.
Kids:"Aah! Aah!"
I smacked him on the back of the head.
Jace walked up to us,"Elena, Nevaeh, you two look hot, as always."
The two sister smiled,"Thanks Jace." Elena just blushed at what Jace said.
Jace turns to Jeremy,"And you're going as...you?"
Jeremy just walked away.
Nevaeh:"He's not talking to me right now. We got into a fight."
Jace:"Yeah, I got into with Vicki when she came home. I'm trying not to smother her tonight, but a part of me didn't want to let her out of my sight."
Nevaeh:"Wait, she's here?"
Jace:"Yeah, you can't miss her. She's a vampire."
I scoffed,'Oh the irony.' Then I came out of my thoughts and looked around,"Where's Jeremy?"
Jace:"Nevaeh, what's the matter?"
Nevaeh:"I...I've gotta find him." I walked off leaving Elena with Jace.

Vicki is walking through the halls. And she could hear everyone's heart beat. Then Stefan grabs her arm and pulled her into a empty classroom.
Vicki:"What, are you following me now?"
Stefan:"You didn't really give me a choice."
Vicki:"Let me out of here."
Stefan:"You shouldn't be here, Vicki. Crowds like this, it makes it even harder for you to keep yourself under control."
Vicki:"I'm fine."
Vicki:"Mmm hmm."
Stefan:"No headache? Your stomach is not screaming at you? You're not feeing lightheaded or anxious or cranky like if someone looks at you the wrong way you could just rip their head off? Do you wanna know what's that called? It's called hunger and it's only gonna get worse every minute that you pretend like it's not controlling you."

I was looking for Jeremy, when I seen Stefan with Vicki.
Nevaeh:"Thank God."
Stefan:"What's the matter?"
Nevaeh:"I lost track of Jeremy. I was worried."
Jace and Elena walks up and Jace said,"What's going on?"
Stefan:"Hey, uh, everything's fine."
Vicki:"I told you to quit bothering me."
Nevaeh:"No. Vicki, don't do this."
Vicki:"Jace, they won't leave me alone."
Jace:"You need to back off, man." He got into Stefan's face.
Elena: "Jace, calm down..."
Nevaeh:"Jace, it's...it's okay."
Jace:"No, it's not okay. What the hell is your problem?"
I turned around and Vicki is gone,"Stefan. She's gone." I went to go find her.
Stefan tried to walked away but Jace grabs him, then Stefan pushes him to the wall.
Stefan:"I'm trying to help her."
Elena walked over to Jace to see the if he's okay.

Nevaeh Gilbert|D.Salvatore|TVD|1Where stories live. Discover now