Founder's Day~2

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Mystic Grill

Damon is standing alone

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Damon is standing alone. I arrived, and he looks at me. I had changed back into my normal modern clothes.
Damon:"I like you better like this. The period look, it...didn't suit you."
Nevaeh:"Is that a compliment?" I smiled.
Damon:"Yes, Nevaeh, it is." He smiles down at me.
Nevaeh:"Well, thank you, Damon. You're very sweet." I smiled and I sighed. "Look, I know Stefan is worried about our...friendship."
Damon:"Did he mention something to you too?"
Nevaeh:"No, did he mention something to you?"
Damon:"No, nothing worth repeating."
Nevaeh:"So, I think you should stop with the flirty little comments and that cute... I mean eye thing you do." I smiled.
Damon smiles doing the eye thing that makes my knees go weak,"What eye thing?"
Nevaeh:"That eye thing. You know what you doing. Stop..." I smiled and I playfully pushed him.
Damon just smiled.

I looked at Jeremy who's sitting alone. I walked towards Jeremy. Damon watches me walk over to him.
Nevaeh:"I don't believe that we can't fix this. I lied, I was wrong. But you're my brother, Jer, and I love you, and I have to fix it. So just tell me what I can do?"
Jeremy:"You can go to hell, Nevaeh."
He gets up and walks away. Damon looks at him.
Town Square
Jeremy is walking, and Damon appears walking behind him.
Damon mocks Jeremy,"I have so many emotions, but I don't have any way to express them. Being a teenager is so hard!"
Jeremy:"You're a dick!"
Damon:"You do not talk to me like that! I'm not your sister. And for now on," Damon grabs Jeremy's arm. "Don't talk to your sister that way either."
Jeremy:"So, you're gonna kill me just cause I hurt Nevaeh's feelings?"
Damon:"Cut her some slack."
Jeremy:"She erased my memories."
Damon:"No, I did! She was protecting you."
Jeremy:"It wasn't her call to make."
He tries to leave but Damon grabs his arm and pulls him back roughly.
Jeremy:"Let go of me before I cause a scene."
Damon:"You'll be unconscious before you even get a word in."
Stefan arrives,"Let him go."
Damon releases him. Stefan puts himself between and looks at Jeremy.
Stefan:"Are you alright?" He asked.
Stefan looks at Damon,"What my brother is trying to say is, don't blame Nevaeh for this. Damon turned Vicki, I killed her. She was a threat to you, and your sisters. I'm sorry that it happened, I wish that it hadn't."
Damon looks at Stefan.
Jeremy:"You shouldn't have made me forget..." He leaves.
Damon:"Good cop, bad cop. I like it."
Stefan:"What are you doing?"
Damon:"He's being a punk."
Stefan:"Nevaeh's relationship to her brother is none of your business. So stay out of it!"
Damon:"Oh, there's only one 'do-gooder' role available. My bad. I'm sorry." He laughs.
Stefan:"Get over yourself. We both know you're not doing this for the right reasons."
Damon:"You see, there you go with that little jealousy act again. What are the right reasons, Stefan? Enlighten me, please!"
Stefan:"Well, see Damon, it's only real when it comes from your desire to do the right thing for nothing in return, and I know that it is an entirely foreign concept to you. I completely understand that you wouldn't get it." He looks at him and leaves.
Sheriff's Office
Sheriff Forbes is talking to John and Mayor Lockwood.
Sheriff Forbes:"You want to use our town as bait? It's too dangerous, it's insane!" She closes the door.
Mayor Lockwood:"We've gone over the plan with all your deputies, they're all on board."
Sheriff Forbes:"You've gone behind my back?"
Mayor Lockwood:"Yeah, because we knew this is exactly how you'd react."
Sheriff Forbes:"Our children are here."
John:"Liz, we need to go this. We have no choice; this is the reason for the Secret Council. Our founding fathers created the Secret Council for just this purpose!"
There was a long pause. They look at each other.
Sheriff Forbes:"I'm the Sheriff, it's my call and I say no."
John:"Richard, let me speak to the sheriff alone."
He looks at them and leaves.
Sheriff Forbes:"John, you're not thinking clearly. I'm not gonna change my mind about this."
She turns her back and goes towards her desk. John hits her head from behind. She's unconscious. He removes her gun belt and handcuffs her to the radiator. He looks at her and leaves.
Mystic Falls
It's nighttime, Damon is looking and walking around in the town square, when he runs into Anna.
Damon:"You still around?"
Anna:"There's something you need to know. The vampires from the tomb are planning an attack tonight."
Damon:"How do you know this?"
Anna:"I went to them. They think I'm with them but I'm not. They want the Founding Families dead."
Damon:"When is this suppose to happened?"
Anna:"When the fireworks start."
There was a long pause.
Damon:"John Gilbert wants to use that invention on them."
Anna:"Then we can't be here!"
Damon:"It doesn't work, it's been deactivated."
Anna:"Well, then a lot of people are gonna die."
Damon:"Where are they right now?"
Anna:"They're already here, Damon."

Nevaeh Gilbert|D.Salvatore|TVD|1Where stories live. Discover now