The Turning Point~1

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Gilbert Residence
Logan Fell is on the front porch standing outside. Jenna is talking to him from inside the house in the doorway.
Jenna:"Why are you here, Logan?"
Logan:"I missed you. I was out of town. I..."
Jenna:"Yes I know. I got you're email."
Logan:"You got an email?" He was shocked.
Jenna:"You didn't a send email?" She said confused.
Logan:"I can explain. Just invite me in and I'll tell you everything."
Jenna:"I'm not going to invite you in. Forget it."
Logan:"Come on, Jenna. It's me."
Jenna:"The answer's no."
Logan:"I know you. You're always one step from a "maybe", a tiny nudge to "yes"."
Jenna scoffs,"You just pointed out that I have no self-control. Clever strategy!"
Logan opens his mouth to say something, but Jenna slams the door in his face. Logan, clearly frustrated with the way their conversation went, walks to the edge of the porch. He sees a neighbor taking out the garbage. He walks down the porch steps and towards the man.
The man gives him a polite wave and walks back towards the house. Logan walks down onto the sidewalk and watches the man leave. He breathes out heavily.
Suddenly, a woman comes jogging around the corner. Logan turns around to look at her. She stares at him as she jogs past him, but stops abruptly. Logan turns to face her again.
Daphne walks towards Logan,"Hey, you're that guy from the news, Logan Fell. I watched you every night. Well, I used to, I mean, you've been missing from my TV."
Logan:"I took some time off."
Daphne:"I noticed. I'm Daphne." She puts her hand out and he shakes it.
Logan:"Hey, you know something, Daphne?"
Daphne:"No, what?"
Logan's eyes start to camp out. Daphne screams as Logan goes to bite her in the neck.

~~~***~~~The next morning, Jeremy is up reading his ancestor Johnathan Gilbert's journal

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The next morning, Jeremy is up reading his ancestor Johnathan Gilbert's journal.
Jeremy::"I live in fear. It consumes me. In the early evening when I see the sun begin to fade, the fear comes, because I know that the night brings death."
Jeremy continues to flip through the pages of the journal. He finds a loose paper with a sketch drawn on it and becomes inspired. He pulls out a box from his closet and grabs an old sketchbook from it. He sets the box down and grabs a piece of charcoal. Flipping through the sketchbook, Jeremy sees all the old sketches he used to do. He smiles at the memories and finally finds a blank page. He starts recreating the loose sketch from the journal.

 He starts recreating the loose sketch from the journal

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Nevaeh Gilbert|D.Salvatore|TVD|1Where stories live. Discover now