Fool Me Once~1

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Motel Room
I woke up feeling groggily. I spot the guy Bonnie was on a date with, Ben, sleeping at the end of the bed. I gasps and sat up frantically.
I looked around for a way out and stared at the front door. I looked from Ben to the door, estimating if I can make it without waking him.
Quietly, I slid off the bed and slowly stepped over Ben's outstretched leg. I slowly backed up to the door, keeping an eye on Ben.
I unlocked the deadbolt on the door, looking back at Ben occasionally. I turned the lock on the door and prepared to open it.
Ben:"I wouldn't."
I gasped and spun around. Ben inches towards me and uses his compulsion on me.
Ben:"Don't try to move. Don't try to escape. Do you understand me?"
I acted like I was being compelled,"I understand."
Ben scoffs and turns around to get a bottle of blood out of the mini fridge.
I opened the front door and bolted out, but Anna blocks my escape. Anna grabs my hair and pushes me back into the motel room.
Ben:"I told her not to move! I did that eye thing you showed me!"
Anna:"And forgot the lesson about vervain! She dates a vampire, Ben! Duh!"
Anna pushes me against a wall and opens the bathroom door.
Nevaeh:"Who the hell are you? What do you want from me?"
Anna:"Does it matter?"
Anna forcefully usages me into the bathroom and shuts the door.
I flipped the switch and calmly searched the room for another way out. I then looked over by the bathtub and see an unconscious Bonnie. I rushed over to her.
Nevaeh:"Bonnie?" I lift Bonnie's head up. "Oh my god!"

~~~***~~~Salvatore Boarding House Damon is in the study, reading through Emily's grimoire

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Salvatore Boarding House
Damon is in the study, reading through Emily's grimoire. Stefan enters the room with an anxious look on their face. Damon does not look up at him
Stefan:"Anna took Nevaeh."
Damon:"Yeah, I got that from your 600 voicemails."
Stefan strides across the room towards Damon,"Damon, all night long, every single street in town,we've been searching. What if your blood hasn't passed out if her system?"
Damon:"At least you know you'll see her again."
Stefan:"Please." He sits down on the sofa, next to Damon. "What do you know? You were with Anna, you must know where's she is living. Just tell em where to find her."
Damon looks up at Stefan,"Nope. You can go now. Really."
Stefan:"You know, all I can remember is hating you. There might have been a time when that was different, but your choices have erased anything good about you. " Damon lays the grimoire down and gives his attention to Stefan. "But see, I also know you have just as much reason to hate me. This all began with me. Isabela got taken away from you because of me. And I'm sorry."
Damon:"Apology accepted."
Stefan:"Now, tell me where she is?"
Stefan pleads,"It's Nevaeh, Damon. If you know something, tell me."
Damon stands up and Stefan mimics him. Stefan looks at Damon with anxiety.
Damon:"I mean this sincerely." Stefan nods, anticipating his answer. "I hope Nevaeh dies."
Damon walks past Stefan, leaving the room.
Motel Room
I wet a cloth in the sink and places it on Bonnie's forehead. Bonnie slowly opens her eyes.
Nevaeh:"Oh, you're okay!"
Bonnie:"My head..."
Nevaeh:"Come here." I pulled Bonnie upright.
Bonnie:"Oh my god! Ben is a—!"
Nevaeh:"Shhh!" I gestures to my ear and points towards the door. "They can hear you." I got up and turned on the tap. I kneeled back down next to Bonnie.
Bonnie:"I'm so stupid."
Nevaeh:"No, he had us all fooled!"
Bonnie:"What's going on? Why are we here?"
Nevaeh:"It must have something to do with the tomb and Emily's spell book."
Bonnie:"Spell book?"
Nevaeh:"Damon said that it could to be used to open the tomb."
Bonnie:"Why didn't I know about any of this?"
Nevaeh:"Me and Elena was trying to keep you out of it, hoping it would never come to this."
Bonnie:"Come to what?"
Nevaeh:"They need a witch to break the spell and let the vampires out."
Bonnie:"No way!"
Nevaeh:"I know."
Ben then bursts through the door. I grabbed Bonnie's shoulder protectively. Ben turns the tap water off.
Bonnie:"You're wasting your time. I'm not gonna help you."
Ben smiles devilishly and grabs me. Bonnie reached out to try to pull me back to her, but Ben managed to pull me away from her.
Ben:"That's why she's here. Motivation for you to behave. You know, you should t be so desperate. You made it too easy."
Ben pushes me out of the bathroom, roughly. Bonnie gets up from the tub. Ben shuts the bathroom door.
Ben:"She wants to talk to you."
I stumbled into the motel room, and Anna leans against the table, looking at me.
Anna:"Well, well. Nevaeh Gilbert. You really are Isabela's doppelgänger. You must have the Salvatores reeling."
Nevaeh:"Who are you?"
Anna:"I'm Anna. Your brother may have mentioned me." She says with a girlish sarcasm. "I mean, we're like, practically dating."
Mystic Grill
Jeremy is sitting at a table, doing homework. Nearby, Tyler is shooting pool while Jace cleans a table and talks to Tyler.
Tyler:"Ten kegs? You know how much damage we could do with ten kegs? Duke's got it all hooked up."
Jace:"Duke's a douche."
Tyler:"Yeah, a douche with ten kegs. Aka, my new best friend."
Jeremy scoffs.
Tyler:"What's your problem, Gilbert?"
Jeremy:"Don't have one, Lockwood."
Tyler:"Yeah, I didn't think so."
Jace:"Do you ever get bored of it?"
Tyler:"Of what?"
Jace walks off and Jeremy laughs quietly. Tyler looks at Jeremy.
Tyler:"Keep laughing, buddy."
Elena enters the grill and walks over to Jeremy,"Hey, Jeremy. Where is Nevaeh? I've been texting her and Bonnie all day about Duke's party."
Jeremy:"Uh, I know that Nevaeh went somewhere with Stefan."
Elena sighs,"Yeah, you're right. I am so not going to be one of those girls who disappears just because she has a new boyfriend."
Jeremy:"Who is Duke?"
Elena:"Some guy that graduated a couple years ago. And he throws a party every time he comes home from Duke."
Jeremy:"Wait, Duke goes to Duke?"
Elena:"His real name is Bob or something." Jeremy laughs quietly. "He's a total ass. But he buys the beer. You know, you should come, little brother."
Jeremy:"Uh, yeah, I—I don't think so."
Elena:"No, seriously. Everyone goes. Even quiet loner little brothers." Elena sees Jace. "Think about it." She walks up to Jace. "Hey!"
Elena:"So, I have a speech. It is fully scripted and well-rehearsed. Are you ready for it?"
Jace:"You wrote a speech?"
Elena:"Yes. It's a "you kissed me and I don't want things to be weird" speech. It's preemptive."
Jace chuckles,"Preemptive?"
Elena:"Yeah, you know, in case you were having second thoughts or regrets, or were, like, ooged out—"
Jace:"Ooged, huh?"
Elena:"Can I just get on with the speech part?"
Jace:"Yeah, go for it."
Elena:"So I know that you don't think that this is going to work out between us. I just want to let you know that right here and right now, I'm offering you an out. Like an escape clause."
Jace:"Why are you giving me an escape clause?"
Elena:"I don't wanna make any assumptions about what it is we're doing here."
Jace:"Got it."
Elena:"So, if you would like to exercise it, just let me know."
Jace:"I'm good, but thanks."
Elena:"Okay. Good."
Elena:"So, see you for Duke's tonight."
Jace smiles and gets back to work. Elena laughs happily.
Sheila's Residence
Damon knocks in the front door. Sheila opens it.
Damon:"Hi there. I'm, uh, looking forward Bonnie."
Grams:"She's not here."
Damon:"Oh, well do you know when she—"
Damon chuckles,"You have quite an opinion fir someone who doesn't know me."
Grams:"You've got some nerve knocking on a Bennett witch's door and asking her for anything."
Damon:"What'd I do?"
Grams:"Spirits talk, Mr. Salvatore, and so does my granddaughter. You are no friend to us. Now get off my porch."
Damon takes a step closer to Sheila,"Step outside and say that."
Sheila stares at Damon. Suddenly, Damon groans and holds his head which feels like it's exploding. Damon starts to back and Sheila steps out onto the porch.
Grams:"I am not Bonnie. You don't want to mess with me."
Sheila goes back inside the house and slams the door shut, breathing heavily as she leans against the front door.
Motel Room
Anna peers out the curtain, looking outside.
Nevaeh:"Bonnie's not gonna open the tomb."
Anna:"Oh, I think she will."
Nevaeh:"Do you really want Isabela out that bad?"
Anna looks over at me,"Trust me. No one I know wants to see that girl again. Except Damon, the love struck idiot."
Nevaeh:"Then why is it? Or who is it?"
Anna:"My mother's in there." Anna walks closer towards me. "Isabela couldn't help herself. She just had to toy around with both of the Salvatore brothers. And when she got caught, so did my mother. I watched Johnathan Gilbert take her away."
Nevaeh:"I'm so sorry." I said sincerely.
Anna:"You really mean that, don't you?" She chuckles. "Yeah, I think we'll skip the dead mom bonding so you can start start serving a purpose."
Nevaeh:"Which is what exactly?"
Anna:"Leverage. This belongs to you?" She holds up my phone. I tried to grab it from her, but she pulls it away from me. "Ah—ah!"
She walks across the room, dialing a number on the phone. The phone rings and Stefan picks up the phone, who was at the boarding house.
Stefan:"Nevaeh? Are you okay?"
Anna:"She's fine. For now. Tell me she gas the grimoire and she'll stay fine."
Damon enters the room, leaning against the door frame of the study in the Salvatore Boarding House.
Stefan:"I can get it."
Anna:"Which means your brother has it. And I have a witch. So one of you had better meet me in the very public town square in 30 minutes so we can safely discuss how fun it's gonna be to work together." Anna hangs up the phone.
Stefan does the same and looks back at Damon.
Damon:"Go ahead. Grovel again. Oh, wait no...I don't care." He leaves the room.
Anna knocks on the bathroom door,"I'm leaving."
Ben opens the bathroom door and leads Bonnie out.
Anna:"Keep them buttoned down. Compulsion won't work. Just use violence."
Ben:"Right. I got that."
Anna leaves. Ben pushes Bonnie on the bed.
Ben:"Sit. Behave." He said to Bonnie. "So you're the key to this. Literally. The one who opens the door. Tell me, how long have you been a witch?"
Nevaeh:"Is there anything to drink?"
Ben gets up and walks over towards me,"Are you offering?" I moved away from him. "There's water on the nightstand."
I picked up the glass of water and took a sip.
Bonnie:"Hey. Can I have a sip?"
I pulled the glass away from my mouth, understanding what Bonnie was planning to do.
I handed the glass to Bonnie, she takes it and tosses the water on Ben. Bonnie turns the water into flames.
Ben yells and pats the flames down on his arm.Bonnie and I got up and ran to the door. Bonnie made it to the door and opens it, ready to run out, but Ben grabs me by my waist before I was able to make it out.
Ben:"Come back in! Shut the door!"
Bonnie slides back into the room,"Don't hurt her!"
Ben:"Don't make me!"
Bonnie shuts the door behind her.
Ben:"Lock it!"
Bonnie deadbolts the door.
Town Square
Anna is walking through the Town Square. Jeremy sees her from the grill and runs over to her.
Jeremy:"Anna! Hey—uh, what happened to you last night?"
Anna:"Sorry, I had to leave. I told your sisters to tell you."
Jeremy:"I haven't seen them."
Anna:"Well, I gotta run, so—" She was about to leave.
Jeremy:"Hey, do you wanna go to a party tonight?"
Anna:"Go to what?"
Jeremy:"Oh, the guy throwing it is a total douche, but it's supposed to be fun. I figured, you know, safety in numbers."
Anna chuckles,"So, you're finally ready to go out with me, are you?"
Jeremy:"It's been a while since I've been to a party, and I kind of want to get back out there. And not be such a—a loner. And, uh, I like you. You're fun, and you're also kind of strange and lurky but, uh, I guess I like that too. So, yeah, you should come to the party. With me. It's in the woods by the old cemetery."
Anna:"Oh. It's there, huh? That sounds cool. I'll meet you there."
Jeremy:"Oh. Okay! Great."
Anna starts to walk away, and Jeremy watches her.
Anna looks glances back at him and Jeremy leaves. Anna sits down on a bench, waiting and looking around.
Suddenly, Damon appears next to her, sitting on the bench.
Damon:"Got a hot date or are you just planning on nabbing the entire Gilbert family?"
Anna:"A party, right next to the old cemetery. Isn't that nice of them? Lots of warm bodies for starving vampires."
Damon:"I told you. I work alone."
Anna:"Yeah, so do I. But your minus a witch and I'm minis a spell book. So what do you say?"
Damon:"Stefan will come after you, you know that. For messing with Nevaeh."
Anna:"Then he won't be happy when I kill her when I don't get what I want."
Anna gets up and starts to walk away. Damon scrunches up his face and sighs.
Damon:"When do you want to do this?"
Anna smiles and turns around, laughing at Damon,"God, it's like 1864 all over again. You Salvatores are truly pathetic when it comes to women. Tonight. After sundown. Meet me at the church." She leaves.
Motel Room
Bonnie and I have stayed in our seats on the bed. Ben paces in front of us,"Witches don't have eternal life, right? So you guys can die."
Bonnie:"Yeah, we can die."
Ben:"Ah. That sucks."
All of a sudden, Stefan kicks the door in. Ben screams as the sunlight starts to burn his skin. Stefan rips the curtain open allowing more sunlight to pour in. Ben hides in the dark between the two beds.
Bonnie and I got up and dashed out of the room.
Stefan:"Let's get outside!"
Stefan walks over to Ben, looks down at him,"When the sun goes down, leave town. If I ever see you again, I will kill you." He walks out of the room.

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