Let The Right One In~2

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Mystic Grill/Caroline's Car
Jace calls Elena,"Where are you? I can barely hear you."
Elena:"Storm washed out Route 5. Now I'm detoured on some random backwoods path to hell."
Jace:"Well, you shouldn't be talking while you're driving."
Elena:"I know, right? I need one of those little Bluetooth thingies."
Jace:"Look, you're breaking up. Just turn around and go back the same way you came. And watch the road. Okay?"
Elena was driving around the woods. When her car got stuck in the mud.
Elena:"God. Ohh. Ohh. Seriously?"
She tries to call someone, but no signal anywhere.
Miss Gibbons Residence
Alaric knocks on the door and then Fredrick answers it.
Alaric:"Oh, good, someone's home. Uh, could I use your phone? My car broke down a few miles up the road. This was the first house I saw."
Fredrick:"Well, lucky you."
Alaric:"Yeah, lucky me. It's no trouble, is it?"
Fredrick:"Not in the slightest."
Alaric:"Great. Phew." He enters the house. "Hey, man, I really appreciate it. It's roughy out there."
Fredrick:"Billy, show our visitor where the phone is in the kitchen. And get me something to drink."
Billy:"Yeah. Sure thing." Miss Gibbons was in the kitchen. "Hey, Miss Gibbons, this guy wants to use your phone."
Miss Gibbons:"Oh, sure, honey. It's right there."
Alaric walks towards the phone, Billy comes at him with a stake. Alaric is too quick for him and grabs the stake and stabs him with it.
Alaric turns on the faucet and starts the blender to create noise.
Miss Gibbons:"What's happening?"
Alaric:"I'm really sorry. But you're gonna need to invite a friend of mine inside."
Alaric opens the door and Damon is standing outside.
Miss Gibbons:"Oh, I'm sorry. He's not allowed in the house."
Alaric:"I know that. But you've got to make an exception."
Damon:"Get her out of the house. Now!" Alaric hands her to Damon. "Miss Gibbons, tell me the truth. Are you married?"
Miss Gibbons:"No."
Damon:"Parents? Children? Anyone one else who lives in this property?"
Miss Gibbons:"No. It's just me."
Damon:"No? Good."
Damon breaks her neck and promptly enters the house.
Alaric:"You were supposed to compel her."
Damon:"It doesn't work that way..."
Alaric:"She is human."
Damon:"And I'm not! So, I don't care. Now, get out of here. And get rid of the body!"
Damon's Car
I was waiting in the car. Then I pulled out a vervain syringe from my purse and examines it. A tree then falls onto the car's windshield, and I gasped.
Mystic Grill
Pearl is sitting down with the Mayor.
Pearl:"I'm in the process of obtaining some property. I understand that your family is the largest property owner in town."
Richard:"Well, yes we are. Dating all the way back to the town's original charter's."
Pearl:"Your family into a lot of new property in 1864."
Richard:"You know your history."
Pearl:"It's a passion of mine."

Over at the bar.
Tyler:"Guy's not even subtle about it."
Jace:"Who is that?"
Tyler:"It's not my mother."

Jeremy walks over to Anna, who is playing darts. Anna tells him to stay back, Pearl notices this.
Pearl:"I'm sorry, Mayor. Do you know that boy over there?"
Richard:"Yeah it's Jeremy Gilbert."
Pearl:"You don't say."
Miss Gibbons Residence
Fredrick:"Billy, what's the holdup?!"
Fredrick tells another vampire to go see what is up. He enters the kitchen and turns off the sink and blender. He approaches the pantry. Damon opens the door and stakes him.
Damon's Car
Alaric runs back to the car. He opens the door to see that Nevaeh isn't there. He grabs his bag and leaves.
Alaric:"Damn it, Nevaeh."
Miss Gibbons Residence
I jumped onto the porch. I stayed by the wall to keep myself hidden. I start to move on, but then I heard Fredrick.
Fredrick:"Billy, Jacob, get back in here!"
I ran past the door and went down the stairs that leads to the cellar.
I tried to open the door, but it is locked. I busted out the windowpanes, unlock the door and opens it.
A man is standing guard by a door at the end of the hallway. I got the vervain syringe out and was ready to attack, but Damon gets to the man first, he saw me.
Damon:"Are you insane?"
Elena gets out of her car and walks around to retrieve a signal on her cell phone. She finally gets a signal, but slips and falls down the bank of River.
She pulls herself up by grabbing what she thinks is a tree branch. Instead she sees it's the decomposing body of Vicki.
Elena:"Aah! Aah!"
Mystic Grill
Pearl is talking to Anna in the restroom.
Pearl:"Jeremy Gilbert? Is that what you've been up to?"
Anna:"He's my friend. What's the big deal?"
Pearl:"His family is the reason I was stuck in the tomb for over a century."
Anna:"That doesn't mean he'll make the same choices."
Pearl:"I want you to stop seeing him."
Anna:"I've been on my own fir a long time, mother. I can make my own decisions."
Pearl:"Then stop acting like a child! As soon as Jeremy finds out what you really are, he will turn on you."
Anna:"He already knows."
Pearl:" What did you just say?"
Anna:"Jeremy knows. He likes it. And he likes me."
Pearl slaps her. When they exit the grill, Anna sends Jeremy a texts saying,"I'll do it."
Miss Gibbons Residence
Stefan and Harper are still trapped in the cellar.
Stefan:"Uhh. Thank you. For trying to help me."
Harper:"They just need somebody to blame. Someone to punish."
Damon and I enters the cellar.
Stefan:"Nevaeh...you shouldn't be here..."
Damon:"She was supposed to stay in the car." He was about to go for Harper.
Stefan:"Unh! No. No. No. Not him."
Damon:"Whatever. Let's get you down."
Stefan:"There's vervain in the ropes."
Damon:"Nevaeh, pull that."
I did what I was told.
Damon:"All right, let's go. Clothes on."
Stefan:"Wait." I helped him over to Harper.
Damon:"What? Guys, come on.we have to get out of here."
Stefan and I pulled the stakes out of Harper's legs.
Damon:"Come on, we gotta go."
Stefan:"The other one."
Damon:"Can you get him to the car?"
Damon:"All right, go."
Nevaeh:"What about you?"
Damon:"You rescue, I'll distract. Go!"

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