Founder's Day~1

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Gilbert Residence/Salvatore Boarding House
Nevaeh and Stefan are getting dressed for the Founder's Day parade. She puts her necklace on as Jenna helps Nevaeh get into her dress.
Nevaeh:"Ouch, this dress hurts."
Jenna:"Suck it in, baby."
Mystic Falls High School
Everybody is getting prepared for the Founder's Day. Carol Lockwood is supervising.
Mrs. Lockwood:"No, no, no, no, no! It's all wrong! The marching band should be in front of the Historic Society. Jace, get up on the float. Boys, I asked you to put chairs in the Founder's Float. Ladies! Time to get on the float."

Stefan is standing alone, waiting. Damon arrives.
Damon:"Look at you, all retro."
Stefan:"What are you doing here?"
Damon:"Why wouldn't I be here? Bonnie deactivated the Gilbert invention, Amelia is gone and it's Founder's Day! I'm here to eat cotton candy and steal your girl."
Stefan:"Don't start with me, Damon."
Damon:"Oh, you started this Stefan with the whole "I'm insecure, leave Nevaeh alone" speech. I'm enjoying that."
Stefan:"As long as you heard it."
Damon:"What? You have no sense of humor, Stefan."
Stefan:"Actually I've no sense of 'Damon' honor."
Damon:"'Damon humor'...hey, look, I get it, I get it. I'm the better, hotter, superior choice and you're scared, now that Isabela is out of the picture, that I'm gonna turn all my attention to Nevaeh. But don't worry, Nevaeh is not Isabela."
Stefan:"You're right, she's not."
Damon and Stefan sees Nevaeh approaching. In her period dress she's looks strikingly like Isabela. She smiles at them and curtsies.

 She smiles at them and curtsies

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~~~***~~~Gilbert Residence Jeremy is in his bedroom, putting his clothes on for Founder's Day parade

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Gilbert Residence
Jeremy is in his bedroom, putting his clothes on for Founder's Day parade. Anna arrives.
Anna:"Look at you!"
Jeremy:"I know, it's stupid, huh? I'm part of the parade; but how are you? I've been worried and I feel awful."
Anna:"Why? You didn't kill my mother, your uncle did."
Jeremy:"Are you sure it was him?"
Anna:"Who else would have done it?"
Jeremy:"He doesn't understand. Anna, it's who he is. He hates all vampires. He's just doing what is right."
Anna:"Are you defending him?"
Jeremy:"No, no way. It's just...I do understand where he is coming from. He's convinced all the tomb vampires want revenge on this town and he's just...he's trying to protect it."
Anna:"They do want revenge, or at least they did, but that's why we separated from them. My mom wasn't after revenge; she just wanted her life back. I have to get out of this town, Jeremy."
Jeremy:"You're leaving?"
Anna:"I've been could come with me. I could turn you. I said you wanted me to. Here."
She gave him a flask of her blood.
Anna:"It's my blood. If you die with it in your system, you'll come back."
Anna:"I know you, what's it like for you...being alone, always feeling empty inside, no one to understand. But when you're a vampire, you don't have to feel that way. You can shut it off. I can show you how."
Jeremy:"I wanted to. I did."
He turns away from Anna. She looks sad.
Jeremy:"But I don't think I can. Sorry."
He looks at the flask. When he looks up up again Anna is gone.
Mystic Falls High School
Stefan and I we're talking and he told me that John is my birth father. And to say that I was shocked, I was shocked. But deep down I kind of knew.
Nevaeh:"John?! How's that even possible?"
Stefan:"There is no proof, but he dated Amelia when she was a teenager and he was the one who brought her to your dad's office for the delivery."
Nevaeh:"My whole life I always had a feeling that he was my father. I always had this connection to John, and now I know. He's my birth father."
Stefan:"Sorry. I'm sorry. I just...I wanted to tell you before Damon dropped it on you on some typically inappropriate way."
Nevaeh:"No, I'm happy that you told me, I just...I really hope that it's true. What am I supposed to do? Do I just...confront him and say "are you my biological father?"
Stefan:"I guess, when you're ready."
Nevaeh:"I don't think I'm ready right now. I have some stuff on my plate right now, I have enough problems with the family, like Jeremy hates me, and why wouldn't he? My journal gave him every single reason to."
Stefan:"He's just hurt, he's confused."
Nevaeh:"He's never gonna forgive me for Vicki, for taking away his memories, for lying to him."
Stefan:"He's your brother, he'll forgive you. Just give him some time."

Elena is taking pictures with Jace before the Founder's Day Parade, in their Civil War outfits.
Bonnie:"Say cheese!"
Elena said to Jace,"Baby, can you switch with me, your cast, it's not era appropriate."
Jared:"Fine." He kisses her cheek and switch places with her.
Bonnie:"You two are so cute." She smiles.
Tyler arrives, and Jace rolls his eyes.
Elena:"I want one with Bonnie and Caroline now."
Tyler:"Here, I can take it."
Jace looks at him,"I'm out of here." He walks away.
Tyler looks at Elena,"I said I was sorry!"
Elena:"You made out out with his mom and then you beat him to a pulp. You're gonna have to a little bit better than sorry."
She looks at him and leaves with the rest of the group except for Tyler.

I was running after Jeremy,"Jeremy! I was wondering where you were. You look great, and you guys did a really good job on the float."
Jeremy:"Go away, Nevaeh."
Nevaeh:"Jeremy, come on! Please! I don't want it to be like this between us."
Jeremy:"Why don't you have Damon erase my memories again? Then I could go back to being your-in-the-dark little brother."
Nevaeh:"Jer, please."
Jeremy:"Just don't! You can't fix this that easily; something like this doesn't just get fixed."
He looks at be and leaves.

The floats are parading. Carol Lockwood commentates.
Mrs. Lockwood:"Let's give a big hand to the Mystic Fall's high school Marching Band!"
The marching band and the cheerleaders parade, everyone applaud and scream.
Mrs. Lockwood:"And for a little local history, Mr. Saltzman's students have recreated Virginia's Battle of Willow Creek."
The float arrives in the street. Jeremy and Tyler are in it, they wave to the crowd and pretend to shoot each other.
Mrs. Lockwood:"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome our stunning Miss Mystic Falls Court and their handsome escorts."
Me, Stefan, Elena, and Jace, and the rest of the Mystic Falls Court and their escorts are on the float; we laughed and waved to the crowd.
Mrs. Lockwood:"This is Elena Gilbert, Miss Mystic Falls. Aren't they beautiful?"
Bonnie is in the crowd. She smiles and waves to me and Elena. I smiled and waved back to Bonnie.
Damon walks in front of Bonnie and stops, smiles and waved to me.
For some reason my heart skipped a beat, when Damon smiled at me, but I just ignore those feelings and just looked away. I looked at Stefan, because I couldn't be thinking these thought, so I just waved to the rest of the crowd.
Damon turns towards Bonnie.
Bonnie:"What do you want?"
Damon:"Just watching the parade."
Bonnie begins to leaves.
Damon:"Where are you going?"
Bonnie:"Away from you."
Damon:"I wanna say something to you."
Bonnie:"Just leave me alone!"
Damon:"Thank you. The device that Emily spelled could have killed me. I don't take what you did lightly so...thank you."
Bonnie:"I did it for Nevaeh."
Damon:"I know that, but I'm still very grateful. And...I owe you."
They look at each other for a moment.
Damon:"Enjoy the parade." He leaves.
Mrs. Lockwood:"Let's give it up for the Mystic Falls high school football team. Alright! Let's show them our support, everybody!"
The float and the cheerleaders arrives.
Grayson Gilbert's Office
John is with Mayor Lockwood, he's preparing the device.
John:"This is the key. Once inserted, the device will be activated. It will work only once, for an estimated time of five minutes."
Mayor Lockwood:"Yes, how does it work?"
John:"It's a high pitch frequency that humans can't hear. Any vampires within a five block radius will be incapacitated, exposing them. At that time, the sheriff's deputies will inject them with vervain and bring them here, when we will finish them off."
Mayor Lockwood:"And you're certain they're attacking tonight?"
John:"I have a source. One of the vampires from the tomb confirmed the attack."
The vampires from the tomb are having a meeting. The leader is speaking and pointing at the map of the town square.
Vampire leader:"Everybody listen up! The plan stays the same. We wait until the firework start; until then, we blend in. Stay apart of the celebration; they'll never see us coming."
Grayson Gilbert's Office
John:"They want revenge for what our ancestors did in 1864. It makes us their target."
The leader is showing the other vampires a plan of Mystic Falls Town Square.
Vampire leader:"This area here is the stage. This is where the Founding Families are gonna be. Any questions?"
Grayson Gilbert's Office
Mayor Lockwood:"We're taking an enormous risk. We're talking about our families, John!"
Anna then arrives.
Vampire leader:"Anna? What are you doing here?"
Grayson Gilbert's Office
John:"This is the only way to draw them out and kill them...all of them."

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