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Gilbert Residence
Stefan and I are lying on my bed together, conversing about the previous days events.
Nevaeh:"Stefan, who was that man in the road?" I asked.
Stefan:"I dont know. What do you remember about him?"
Nevaeh:"I wish. I never really saw his face. He was wearing a hoodie. All I can remember is that there was these black boots coming towards me."
Stefan:"I brought some vervain for, um—for you, Elena and Jenna." He grabs a box from the end of the bed. I sat up straight. Stefan opens the box. "And, um, I made this bracelet for Jeremy, few extra extra for friends." Stefan hands me the bracelet. I took it and observed it. "You can put it in jewelry, or you can even put it in food or drink, but as long as it is on you, a vampire cannot control you." Stefan hands me a small vial of liquid vervain.
I picked up a dried branch of vervain from the box,"Wow, so much to remember."
Stefan:"I know, but there's another vampire in town. So until we find out who it is and what he wants, we ha e to be careful." I nod in understanding.

Downstairs, Jeremy is sketching at the dining room table, and Elena was sitting next to him doing homework. The doorbell rings and Elena looks at jeremy.
Jeremy sighs,"Fine, I'll get it." He gets up to answer the door.
A pizza delivery guy waits on the front porch,"Hey. It's gonna be $22." He pulls out the pizza box out of the bag.
Jeremy yells from downstairs,"Nevaeh. I need the money!" He turns back to the pizza guy. "Uh, here. Come in. Just put it on the table."
Jeremy walks back into the dining room. The young man stands on the front porch for a moment longer before crossing the threshold into the house. Elena has a very bad feeling about this guy.
He places the pizza on the table while I came down the stairs, got the money from my purse.
Nevaeh:"Hi, um, keep the change."
I handed him the money to the pizza guy who takes it. The guy started to back away, out of the house.
Noah:"Thanks. And you have yourself a good night, beautiful."
I rolled my eyes and closes the door.

Noah turns around, pulls the hood of his sweater over his head, and walks down the steps of the front porch.
It is clear that he is the vampire that causes Nevaeh's car crash and now he was invited into her house.

~~~***~~~Salvatore Boarding HouseStefan walks into the library, books are strewn haphazardly across the room

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Salvatore Boarding House
Stefan walks into the library, books are strewn haphazardly across the room. When he enters, he sees Damon, looking through the shelves and tossing aside the books. Stefan stops and looks at him.
Stefan:"What are you looking for, Damon?"
Damon:"Not your concern."
Stefan:"No, but putting Nevaeh in harms way, that is my concern."
Damon was flipping through a book, not looking up at Stefan,"Hm hm. What are you talking about?"
Stefan:"I'm talking about Atlanta."
Damon looks away from his back and at Stefan,"Oh, yeah. Nevaeh and I had an awesome night."
Stefan:"I get it. You're just bitter because one of us gets to be with the person that we love, and poor Isabela is just out of reach. Unless there is another way for you to get into that tomb. Is that what Bree said?"
Damon:"You're pathetic when you're fishing."
Stefan:"And you're transparent when your deflecting."
Damon:"Don't you have school?"
Damon grabs another boom off the shelf. Stefan walks out of the room and Damon looks up and watches him leave.
Mystic Falls High School
The bell rings signaling the end of class. Students begin to get up from their desk and starts to leave the classroom.
Jeremy is packing up his stuff when a paper is thrown down onto his desk be Alaric.
Jeremy looks down at the paper and picks it up. A giant red "A" is marked on the paper. Jeremy smiles, stunned by his grade.
Alaric:"Surprised? It's a good essay. Your thoughts are clear, and your arguments is well laid out. It's just, uh, you don't actually think there are vampires in Mystic Falls." He sits behind his desk.
Jeremy:"No. I mean, I think statistically they've been more animal attacks, mysterious deaths, uh, people gone missing, more than any other place in the whole commonwealth of Virginia."
Alaric;"It's conjecture, but creative, which is why I'm giving you an "A". I just wouldn't get too, caught up in the world of conspiracy theory of it all."
Jeremy:"Ah, I won't."
Jeremy gathers up his stuff, gets up, and starts to exit the room.
Alaric:"Oh, uh, Jeremy, the source that you citied for the 1860s info, uh, Johnathan Gilbert...?"
Jeremy stops and looks back at Alaric,"Oh, my ancestor's journal?"
Alaric:"I'd really like to see that sometime."
Alaric:"A first-person account of the Civil War? That's like, uh, porn for a history teacher."
Jeremy retrieves the journal from his backpack,"You think my essay's creative, wait til you get a load of this thing."
Jeremy tosses the journal onto Alaric's desk. Alaric picks it up carefully.
Alaric:"Thank you."
Jeremy nods and exits the room. Alaric looks at the journal and unbinds it with curiosity.

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