Chapter 1

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My name is Zachary Regis, and this is my life. It's a story of a girl named Raine. And the

how she changed my life.

She's my best friend and the greatest person in the whole world. Raine doesn't care

about, basically, anything but me and her older sister Hope.

I'm about 5'10, dark brown hair, brown eyes and totally awkward along with full

brown eyebrows. My family is just as typical as a modern day family gets, it's just the

four of us, my Mom, Dad and older brother Benji.

My parents, they were childhood sweethearts and got married in their mid-twenties.

My dad, well he played basketball in his day and was pretty close to going pro too but

got caught up in the family business of retail and construction. So now he manages a two

generation passed down company of, basically building houses. My mom, she stays

home most of the time. She never really got a chance to finish collage because she got

pregnant with my older brother so now, she just lives life as a housewife.

Benji, thanks to my dad living vicariously through him, he took on basketball as

soon as he began high school. Me on the other hand, I more or less stray from society,

perfect grades, mid-stable family and the best thing about this life... I have the greatest

best friend in the world.

She's a life coach to me. I guess that's the outcome when your parents shield you

from anything fun like, going parties or doing anything that can jeopardize your future.

Raine and I became friends when we were still in middle school. And although we didn't

have much in common at the time, we still got closer and closer together. She's like the

opposite of me in any and every way. Raine, how do I put it.... has the ability to live life

as if the world were gonna end tomorrow. And I loved that about her. Her colorful spirit

her bright green eyes or M&M colored hair, her everything. There's nothing we wouldn't

do for or with each other.

Currently, its Tuesday morning, seven twenty to be exact and I'm standing in the

middle of the hallway like a lost puppy waiting for her to show up. We first met in

writing camp. Our school had this pre-summer program for students how showed an

interest in literature or short stories. For her it was just something to escape from David

(her stepfather). But for me however, my mom made sure to sign me up for every extra

circular activity for that year. My goal is Oxford or Harvard, or maybe NYU. Anyway,

out of the five students that actually went, we were the only ones that stuck together.

Sometimes I call her Daisy, that went back to the day we met. I remember looking at her

sitting in the grass and picking the small flower every day for the length of the program.

And each time her hair would have one or two flowers in it. Her clothes carried their


Raine freaking Sullivan was my best friend, and I was completely and utterly in

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