Chapter 9

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After talking about what happened between Leo and Raine the principal summoned

us both to his office.

He told us since we were both upstanding students and seemed to have made up he

wouldn't have to severely punish us. So we only got community service for the rest of

the week. Andddd he called out parents informing them of the fight.

Leo's folks were the most understanding parents I had ever met, all he had to do was

ask God for forgiveness and they won't bat an eye. I wish my parents were like that. My

mother came to pick me up early and her face was more curled up than I ever saw it. It

was worse than on Sunday. Dad however just called me via my smartphone and told me

to make sure I don't end up in anymore fist fights and principal calls...ever again.

Meanwhile mom gave me a talk from school till the cows came home. I just stared out

the window nodding everyone and then to throw her off.

As I got home she calmed herself down and I had to reassure her that anything like

that was never gonna happen again. I jogged up to upstairs bathroom where we kept out

medical supplies and I found than Benji had used up the last of the band aids for

whatever wound he came home with daily.

I messaged Leo to sneak out his house and go to the pharmacy with me to buy some

more. I wasn't about to stay home another minute for my mother to tell me something

she forgot to say in the hour lecture. I rather let her cool off in the tub until she came

back down to earth.

Since Leo and Daisy were both a year older than me they both already had their

driver's license. Leo's father had this old beat up blue buggy from his younger days and

he gave him the keys to it rather than buying him a BMX or dirt bike to kill himself.

Don't get me wrong, I could depend on him for anything but Leo was the clumsiest

person I ever met. Well, next to Daisy, they both ran top spot for five year old's


Leo pulled up in my driveway and we both made our way.

He parked across the street from the store and we walked it. And as we did I

immediately scrunched my nose at the medicinal smells. It was like walking into a

confined hospital that blew cold air at every corner. Leo walked into a lane and I

followed behind him.

"Hey, do you think your mom would forgive me if I gave her a 'I'm sorry' card?" he

said face me and walking backwards.

I was about to answer him when he bumped into one of the workers causing her to

drop the box she was holding. And out fell almost all the.... Pads?

She groaned and immediately dropped down to pick up all. Mumbling some choice

words soft enough that we couldn't hear.

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