Chapter 11

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 Staring out the window of my seventh period classroom I watched two idiots chase a ball for five minutes before turning my attention back to my English teacher discussing the Past and Present participles. This was like the same stuff we learned every term but people still struggled with it.

I glanced around the classroom watching them fall asleep on themselves then I looked over to Leo who sat on the other side of the class. His elbow was on top the desk and his head gently rest into his same hand, half asleep. If I didn't know any better he probably was worn out from looking for River again any chance he got. And because we had Community Service after school we couldn't go to the Pharmacy to pretend to be customers just to talk to her. If Daisy were around she would probably skip class just to get her number for him. I lightly chuckled at the thought. If Daisy was still here, possibility a lot of things would never happen.

I turned my attention back to the teacher, who was now reading a poem from a textbook. My eyes diverted a little to the left and I saw the back of Katelyns' hair. She was wearing it down today. As if sensing me, she slowing turned around, playing with a single curl and smiled at me. I smiled back not to make things seem awkward. However due to my shitty luck, also sitting in front me was Kimberly Hale. She was basically the It-Girl at our school. Then I guess all high schools had this one female or male student that could get under anyone's skin just by looking at them. And Kimberly Hale along with her goons were them.

She snapped her head in my direction and shot soooo many daggers that I got an instinctive head just by staring at her too long. Kimberly had long blonde hair, gray eyes and a shit ton of makeup on that even I would get confused by what color her actual skin tone was. The clothes she wore were so prestige that you would think she was dressed for either a prep school or a British fashion runway. I just ignored her most of the time but, by the smirk she formed on her face I had a feeling I was now on her hit list.

The bell finally rang for the last period and in the corner of my eye I saw Leo spring up from his nap and wipe way whatever droll he had on his face.

I gathered all my books then proceeded to my locker for a quick subject change to Chem... which I had now. I was in the mist of closing my locker when I felt someone walk up behind me then slam their hand on my right, caging me. I jumped a little at the sound then turned around seeing Kimberly hale smirking at me like the evil 5'5 witch she was.

The hell is she doing?

Am I supposed to be afraid of someone who's shorter than me?

Right now I had to bend my neck a little to meet her eyes as she just scanned up and down my body. I... actually felt a little, violated.

"Kimberly...can I help you?"

"Zachary Regis." she smirked a little more mischievously "Where's your little friend?"

"Hi Kimberly!" Leo basically ran up to us then she glared and growled at him a little

"Move it Saint Christopher!" she pushed Leo away with just her palm to his face. Then turned her attention back to me.

"I'm talking about Raine...Sullivan" her hands slowly ran up my arms and yep I was feeling pretty violated.

"Sorry Kimberly." I took her arms from mines "You're not really my type." I strained a smile and she wiped her hands on her clothes as if they were now filthy.

"I'm everyone's type Zachary. I haven't seen her in a while that's all.... I got a little worried about her you know." she folded her arms "You tend to miss a person on your daily reign of terror. Especially one with so little taste in fashion."

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