Chapter 20

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Something brushed lightly across my face. What was it? All I saw was darkness but I felt warmth. My eyes were shut.. was I sleeping? I don't remember going to bed.

Slowly, I opened my eyes and saw blue. I was laying down watching the sky, like I used to do with, Raine.

My body jolted up as if an electric current flowed through me. I clutched my chest tightly then watched down at my palm. The cut I gave myself earlier was gone. My other hand grasp something next to me.

Grass. It was soft and smelt sweet.

I was in a field. At least that's what it looked like, a warm sun above me, a crystal clear sky. Bees flying around whatever flower sprouted up near me. There was a light breeze singing in my ear, my hair flew around following its direction.

What the hell is going on?

Am I dreaming right now?

"Leo.... Anyone?" I spun around not seeing any sort of structure, just trees, sweet grass and warm sun.

I looked up to it shielding my eyes from its brightness. And just as I did, a powerful force knocked me to the ground. Causing me to fall on my back with a single blow.

I moaned from the pain then heard a laughter.

Her hair was covering her face but it was her, Raine.


Her mouth launched onto mines without hesitation, her eyes closed and her brows furrowed. My hand found her right cheek, caressing it. Then she pulled away and I saw her face.

With eyes filled with tears she said, "You found me."

"I promised you I would didn't I." I smiled.

She giggled "Yes." brushing her hair back but it just fell to the front again then its color changed. It was brown mines. I moved the strands covering her eyes tucking it behind her ear. The sun made her look bright as it was beaming behind her.

Raine was still on top me but I wasn't fussing. We just stared at each other.

Her eyes drifted to the left of us then her head shot to that direction. I followed her gaze to see- nothing. The grass had stopped at that edge and the suns warmth didn't reach there.

"What's wrong?" her eyes came back to mine and she gave a reassuring smile before standing to help me up.

"It's nothing." her hands intertwined mines.

Was this real? I couldn't help but ask myself. She sounded real. For sure felt it.

"You feel different Zack." her fingers danced with mine; her eyes glued to their movement "You feel.... Like you've changed." I dropped my hand from hers. Her eyes lost their softness, it was more emotionless now. Whatever light it held before was gone.

I started to feel cold, I looked up and the sun went dark. The sweet grass was sinking below my feet. It was mushy and heavy like mud and cement combined to hold me still. My eyes wondered around panicked before finding Raine's.

Her face was expressionless, her hands behind her back just watching. Then she walked right pass me... going to that place where the grass stopped.

I grabbed her before she was out of reach.

"Let go!" she tried to pull but I gripped hard enough to mark her wrist.

"NO... you have to stay!"

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