Chapter 3

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If Daisy was, she actually was missing. Not even her sister could tell

me where she is. There were two things I could do in this situation.

One; go to the police and file a missing person's report. And that was what I was on

my way to do first thing before school.

It was the dumbest idea I ever had in my life.

For all I know Hope was covering for her sister who just wanted to stay in bed all

day and go into a coma just to get extra sleep.

Hope didn't ever seem to bat an eye when I called her to convince her to tell the

police. As far as she was concerned Raine was too in and out of the house whenever she

wanted to go missing.

First thing I noticed when I entered the station was the morning run around officers

slacking off to coffee and good gossip. I tugged the long straps of my backpack then

made my way over to the secretary officers desk.

He seemed busy, trying to figure out this morning's crossword puzzle. His hair was

unkept, gray patches protruding all over especially his sideburns. Besides that he gave off

a strong perspiring stench, which was shocking since it wasn't even eight yet. I looked

down to the paper.

The planet closest to the sun

It was obviously Mercury but this idiot put Jupiter. How- anyways I dryly coughed

to make myself known, but he was too busy with the 5th grade assignment he was given.

"Excuse me sir?" he finally looked up.

"What can I help you with today young man?" he showed me the most uninterested

expression yet. It reminded me of Benji when Leo tried to talk to him once.

"I'll like to file a missing person's report.....please"

why on earth did I say please?

He sighed, folded in paper in half then started typing on his terminal in front him.

"Who would be the name of the reportee?"

"Uh, Zachary Regis."

He paused and looked up at me for a little while, then finally awed "You must be

Garvin Regis son then."

"Yep I'm the youngest. I have an older brother." I suddenly felt a little less nervous

but tense was rising.

"Wow, I'm a big fan of your father. When we were in high school he was the most

popular guy in town. Did you know he won us our first national title?"

"Yep he told me." like a million times already.

"Okay any favor for our local hero. Who's the report for?"

"Raine Sullivan"

He stopped typing and looked up at me. Why would he do that? Did he not know

how to spell it or something?

"Issss something wrong sir?" I had to ask

"Raine Sullivan has had three missing persons in the last 2 years. And I saw her

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