Chapter 6

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Sunday came and I woke up with a huge headache. Tomorrow I was just gonna raft

Leo by his shirt collar, ram him on the wall and shout at him until he told me why Daisy

and him where fighting with each other when I wasn't around.

Katelyn telling me around how things were for the both of them when I was absent

really sent me. They they both are my best and closest friends. And now it feels

like everything that happened to us. Everything we built together was slowly coming

apart. Next year, we're supposed to be seniors. We're supposed to be planning a way to

stay together for the years of college and where we are gonna rent and live.

Staring up that suburban roof, laying on my back and looking up at my ceiling really

was all I wanted to do today. I was deep in thought when I heard a small knock on my

door. It was my mother.

She looked at me still in bed and shirtless, only wearing a boxer

"Why aren't you dressed yet? We were supposed to be ready for an hour now." she

placed a hand on her hip then proceeded to open my windows to let some light in.

I winced a little from the sensitivity and sat on the edge, rubbing my eyes.

"I don't feel up to it today mom." even though I was seeing black and red spots right

now but I could tell she didn't have a happy face.

"First your father is too held up at work and now you can't go either." she paused as

if she was waiting for me to say something but her voice only raised afterwards "The

next thing is your brother locked his bedroom door so I couldn't get in." she was

practically shouting at me. And I couldn't be bothered.

Mother was never someone who enjoyed going to church every Sunday, she only

did it because she felt like it was something we could do as a family. And if we stopped it

meant that we would be drifting apart. Dad never gave her as much attention and Benji

loved being left in solitude. There was only me who she confided in and every now and

then even I wanted to be in solitude. But for some reason I felt like I was the only one

who could say something to her at this point. But it had to be something straight forward

and in Leo's words 'Ripping off the band aid'

"Mom we don't care right now."

No nope that's not how I wanted to say that.

I just blurted it out and now she was looking at me wide eyed and clutching her

laced shawl that hung on her shoulders.

"EXCUSE ME!?" she shouted and I leaned back as if the words were pushing me


"I mean, we have more important things to do.... than go to church every single

Sunday morning." she was turning red, hands in fists and her breathing was so hard I

think I was starting to see the fogginess.

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