Chapter 21

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You can try so hard to change the nature of a person but no matter the deeds they do or the people they help they're always remembered for the bad. That was my father.

After his arrest was made everyone quickly turned on him. His own family included. He was a bad person, and that was just how his nature portrayed him.

David Sullivan had been released his accusations proven false; he attempted to mend his bond with Hope.. even though she didn't want it. He might not have been the one to kill Raine but he still made their lives hell.

After Raines funeral Hope left town. I guess she had nothing left to stay for. We made sure to talk a couple times after her leaving but that was a month ago.

My mother fully supported Benji and his hobby. Dad called us from the prison accouple times but only Benji went. He still longed for his approval in the things he did, and I didn't blame him. That's just the way we grew up. I however, never wanted to see him. Every time the thought crossed my mind the voice in the back of my head whispered 'no', I couldn't fight that.

Tuesday morning, hell on earth. Seven twenty to be exact and I'm sitting on the floor under my locker. My thumbs were wiping left, then right, right again. Reading always seemed to calmed me down. I missed it a little. The boring acts of watching everyone else's lives. My knees were to my chest to avoid any tripping hazard because no one was noticing me.

I heard the bell ringing but a part of me wasn't so keen on going to class.

"Aren't you coming?" a voice said to me.

Looking up I saw Katelyn; her hair was out hanging down over her shoulders. She tucked a portion back behind her ear. I hadn't seen her since the funeral. She stood in the back but I notice her hair first before seeing her redden face damp with tears. Even now she looked like she'd been weeping but it was probably to the coldness in the air.

She held out her little hand to help me up.

I grabbed it almost pulling her down during the process.


"Anytime." She blushed.

"There you are." We turned heads to see Leo and River walking arm in arm. "We thought you were skipping...again." He pushed his hands into his jeans pockets. Rocking back on his heels.

"He's just jealous you didn't invite him. And I'm tired of him sulking around like a puppy." River glared at him as Leo gave her a flirtatious smirk.

I didn't miss her as much as I did before but saying it in my head didn't feel right. Part of me wanted to stay with her in that dream, the other part wants to see what's the end of the road looks like. I watched all of them, Leo and River arguing like a married couple, Katelyn clutching her books closely to her heart giving me the warmest smile.

This was the way things were going to stay, I liked it but knowing her, she would of loved it. 


And just like that this book has come to an end.

I hope that you all have enjoyed this book.

And I hope to see you'll for my future books~

Drink water and eat well luvs~

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