Chapter 12

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 After Wednesdays fiasco dinner, I tried my best to stay away from my parents, Benji or anything that involved me talking to them.

Thursday blew by fast. Leo and I just spent the day eliminating possibilities of where Daisy went. Hope called her Dad. Well her biological father and he told her he hadn't heard from Raine since April. Her mother died in April. Cancer. We never knew until it was too late. She barely had a chance to say goodbye to her, and her father never even came the funeral either. That was back in Freshman year though. I wonder what she called him about. Even after she told me he wanted nothing to do with either of them. The truth is, Daisy was keeping too many secrets to herself. I could see why she always felt the need to freak out every once in a while and disappear. I just wished she trusted me enough to at least share one of them.

Friday was dead as well. Leo and River had been talking to each other every now and then. She seemed busy all the time so he would walk her to class, wait outside her class then walk her to another class. They seem good together and Leo made sure to give me the thumbs up every now and then when things were going great. Katelyn seemed to calm down with the peeping tom act now. She just sees me then we talk for a while. Even in class she seems to sit down next to me and glance every now and then. And she wasn't the only one giving me attention. Kimberly Hale made sure to give me the evil eye as well.

When Saturday came I passed my parents straight when I came downstairs for breakfast. My dad ignored my presence then left for work, while my mom gave me the silent treatment. I didn't care though. I only cared about finding my friend, things came afterwards. My head had been spinning that entire morning. I didn't know what was going on. It was like the mother of headaches and that had me thinking something bad was afoot. Actually, thinking was making my head hurt even more. Luckily, thanks to Leos numerous unnecessary trips to the Pharmacy, I got some medication for that then took a nap until the party later.

I didn't think about showing up but Leo seemed like he needed me there as a wing man and it would be a good distraction for what was going on. Staring up at my ceiling I let the darkness engulf my room before I drifted off to sleep.


I was gonna kill Zac at this moment. I was sitting on a couch in the packed living room with fellow underage drinkers and pounding music. I looked down at my phone which was in my right hand and a really, really strong drink in my other. I took a big sip and groaned at the bitterness, then attempted to call Zac yet for the fourth time. This reminded me of Raine, and as much as it pained me, I really wanted to forget the things I said about her. Even if it was a lie, I wanted to forget it for just one night.

Everyone suddenly started cheering at a guy attempting to drink a mouthful of beer why doing a handstand. So I thought this was my sign to get up and go somewhere less crowded and cramped.

Things started to get really blurry and unbalanced as I made my way away from the crowd. Waiting for Zac to show up I had started drinking alcohol for the both of us. I ended up in the hallway when I bumped into the wall then staggered into someone.

"Hey." she looked down at her sleeve which was now wet with whatever she was drinking.

"I am so sorry." I rubbed my eyes a little and realize who it was. Pink hair... wait it was a pink wig.

Holy shit!

"Hello Watson." she smiled then rubbed her hand on my shirt to get it dried.

"It's Leo actually." I blinked repeated trying to focus on her.

"I know." she smiled again "You enjoying the party." she cheers her cup with mines even though mine was empty then took a sip.

"Yeah I am. Thank you for inviting me."

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