Chapter 14

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 I couldn't believe that she was laying right in front of me. Maybe I was drugged from the party, wait, I didn't even drink anything.

Was it the doughnut?

Daisy and I were laying down on my bed facing each other. Her eyes were just piercing mines. I had tried not to make a sudden sound or breath too hard just in case she would vanish into thin air.

"Zac? Why do you keep staring at me?"

"No reason, I just, haven't seen you in a while."

I didn't know if this was just happening in my head. Hell, it probably was a hallucination due to all that meds I took earlier. She looked the same as when I last saw her. Same clothes, same shoes, same hair.

I really didn't wanna ruin this moment, so I kept my eyes on hers.

"Please stop looking at me like that." she said then sat up with her knees to her chest. I did the same. "Why were you crying?"

"It's been a long week.... a long two weeks."

her head turned to me "Has it been two weeks already?"

What did she mean by that?

"Yeah, Daisy it's been two weeks since you disappeared."

she chuckled and I was a bit taken by surprise "Disappeared? That sounds like something I would do."

I was utterly confused and I didn't know what to say. What the heck am I supposed to ask a figment of my imagination. I was losing it.

"What are you doing here Daisy? It's late you should be home."

"I am home.." she smiled "But I came to find out why the fuck you're crying a river."

"I told you-"

"Liar!?" she shouted and I grimaced because my headache was back for round two.



I sigh because I wasn't about to lose my temper to a ghost of my best friend right now. "I think I'm losing my mind"

"Tell me, what did I miss?"

I ran my fingers through my hair "Well, I'm pretty sure Leo has a girlfriend now."

She laughed "Seriously?"

"You know River Madison?" she nodded "Leo's crazy for her."

"I like River, she's badass. Plus she can pull off fishnet stockings. What else?"

I was contemplating whether to mention Katelyn but I told her anyways

"Katelyn Asher and I have been hanging out now and again."

She raised her eyebrows then playfully jabbed me "Oh really Mr. Smooth guy."

"Whatever, she's nice. Pass the bashfulness she's a really cool person to talk to and she's smart and what not."

"Mm, do you like her?"

"I honestly don't know if I do. Maybe but not the way I like you."

She avoided my gaze on her and I'll admit that kinda hurt.

"You should go to our spot and cool off, you looked like a kettle about to go off earlier."

"If you mean strip down to my boxers and bath in ice water I could do that in my shower."

I looked over at her and she pouted her lips like a puppy. I reached out my hand, cupping her face and she leaned into it. Closing her eyes while I kept mine hers. Slowly imprinting her features in my mind.

"Where did you go?" I whispered and in the corner of her eyes I could see the tears forming. She sniffled then reached up, moving my hand from her face.

"You should get some rest Zac you look like shit."

I couldn't help but have a laugh escape my lips. We both returned to our original position, laying down facing each other.

"Do you remember the first time I took you to my secret place?" she whispered within tears falling down the sides of her face. I just nodded.

"You thought it was the lookout but it was actually the lake below. We swam around talking about anything but our sappy parents and your golden future... and you told me-"

"I would do anything to make you happy."

She smiled "I called you a dumbass. But we laughed about it anyways. Then I asked, 'What happens if one of us goes missing tomorrow?' Do you remember?"

"Yeah, I told you 'Whatever happens we would find each other. I promised you and you promised me."

I didn't know what the point was of bringing this up now. Maybe she wanted me to remember that we made that promise to each other.

"I still promise that Daisy. I'll find you and I'll bring you home."

Her face started to cringe up with more tears falling "I am home Zac, now please stop looking for me. You have to stop."

"No, you're not home. Hope, Leo.... we're all looking for you. I won't stop trying to find you and I want the three of us to be together again. You, me and Leo. Remember, we promised each other."

I placed my hand on her cheek wiping away her tears as more fell down, but one by one I brushed them away. "I love you Raine."

Her eyes locked onto mine "And I'll tell you that in person every day until you get it through your head."

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