Chapter 17

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Things started piecing together. And the one thing I wanted to know above all else was why?

Why didn't she trust me enough with her secrets?

Why did her mother not tell her the truth?

Why did my father employ them both? And what was his connection to this?

My head was spinning all over the place trying to come to some conclusion.

Who would have taught finding Daisy would have turned into some hunt for answers.

I told Leo about the hallucinations but I wanted to tell Katelyn as well. Since she was now part of the group I owed it to her plus maybe she knew about the lawyer.

After school I asked her to meet me at the lookout, one it would be more private and two I needed a place to think about my strategy.

Expected, waiting at the lookout was none other than imaginary Raine, sitting on the bench. She was staring out at the sky above.

"Hey.... are you gonna ignore me today?"

Sighing heavily I sat next to her, maybe I wanted to ignore her but that helped no one "I'm gonna tell Katelyn about you."

"Great, not that I care. It's your mental health." she rolled her eyes obviously jealous.

Wow, she's mad.

"Are gonna tell me to stop looking for you again. Because I won't."

She hanged her head side to side humming some tune "I think you girlfriends here."

"She's not my girlfriend Raine."

"Who are you talking to?" Katelyn asked walking up to us. For some reason Raine and I looked at each other at the same time and I responded 'Nothing'.

"What did you wanna talk about?" she sat down, next to Raine not having a clue.

"What's your take on imaginary friends?" I asked

At first she looked at me a bit confused and I could tell she was giving it some thought.

"They're good for childhood trauma. Why?

"I could see Raine...basically everywhere. It first started with a fight with my mom and now we talk like she never even left."

Whatever look she had on her face I couldn't describe it, much less know what she was gonna say next. But then she was kinda creepy actually.


"You miss her that much? I think it's cute you could see her. Is she here right now?"

I nodded and pointed right next to her. Raine just raised her eyebrow when Katelyn actually turned her head to see.

"Still sure that was a good idea? If she tries to put her hand through me I'll hit her." she said standing up, moving away.

"There's something else I wanted to ask you. Did you know if your dad ever saw a client?"

"No I can't say. He ever talks about work actually. At least not with me. Why?"

"Raine was in contact with a lawyer, thought you would have known something?"

"Sorry I don't." she stood up brushing whatever dust was on her clothes "I gotta get home."

"Now you've done it." Raine said shaking her head at me

"What are you talking about?"

"Obviously, she thought you wanted to talk about your relationship."

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