Chapter 13

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Leo had left me four missed calls and twelve messages asking me to

'Pleasee come to the partyyy'

followed by six difference emojis. He was probably drunk by the time I got there. It was around half ten when Katelyn called me to tell me about the Open house. I didn't really wanna go to a party with pounding music to make my headache worse, plus Katelyn did make sure to mention the small snack bar that waited for me at the school.

Dressed in a gray hoodie and jeans I walked into the pounding house. They were playing some remixed Billie Eilish song and people started grinding or bouncing with cups in their hands. I, more or less squeezed through the crowd and parked myself in a far corner. I pulled my phone out my pocket and saw Leo sent me a text with just a thumbs up. I smirked. I stayed there for a couple moments more and found myself rather bored. So I decided to go take Katelyn up on that snack bar.

I was halfway through the school hallway when Leo rang down my phone. Sometimes it feels like we're in a budding relationship the way he just calls me at four in the morning telling me he can't sleep.

"Yes Leo."

He gave me a sigh "I just had sex."

"Congratulations buddy." I was honestly happy for him and I sounded like a proud father at the moment.

"Yeah.... That's all I called you, so you."

"Sure." and he hung up. Probably to get back at whomever he was entertaining at the party.

Wait this guy just called me to tell me he had sex!


I walked to the gym to see a lot of stalls and people walking around examining the art pieces. There were sculptures, surrealism, abstract, modern art stalls and the most important one. The food bar. Swear I just came to stuff a bagel down my throat but then I saw Benji talking to a group of five people. I was still standing by the entrance with my hands in my pockets when I noticed the painting from the attic, the group seemed extremely interested in his work. There were a lot of nodding heads and shaking hands. I also noticed Mrs. Ridley, our art teacher, standing next to him. She seemed as happy as he was when the group were examining and asking questions. At least from where I was standing that's what it looked like. Turning my attention over to another stall I saw Katelyn waving at me to come over.

"Hey" she jumped up with her hair tied back into a bun.

"Hey back" I smiled then picked up a glazed doughnut from a box.

"I thought you were going to the party tonight."

"Nah after Leo called me sounding like he was having a good time I figured he could enjoy it for the both of us."

Wow this is tasty. I picked up another after finishing the first

Katelyn and I walked around the gym looking at all the other types of stalls they had. We met up with Benji and he mentioned still having the art offer. He hadn't told them about not accepting in hopes things would change. And I was seriously thinking about what I could do to help him out.

Looking at Benji, even though he was my older brother I wanted him to do what he was passionate about. Even if that meant I had to take over the business, I would do it for my brother.

Benji and I left the high school around eleven, we helped clean up and pack up whatever was on display. Katelyn even gave me some complimentary snacks that remained.

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