Chapter 4

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I decided to look for her myself. And if that meant kicking Leo's ass afterwards for

what he said earlier that morning. So be it.

Growing up I watched a lot of true crime and detective shows with my grandparents

whenever I visited them, so I knew a little about searching for information. Since I was

already school, I figured searching her locker wouldn't do much harm. Maybe there was

a clue to where she could have gone, a note or something. Hell, I didn't know what I was

expecting to find but it wasn't gonna be a note written in red ink saying

'Bring the money at noon address ###'

When the last class of the day was finished I made my way over to Daisy's locker. It

was Friday evening so that meant most of the students rushed out of the school as if it

was on fire. And it also meant I had Piano lessons for four thirty but this was more

important than playing the same song in different keys.

I may have faked an email from my mother to the teacher Mrs. Curtis. She was one

for formality since she was from London and played live concerts for almost ten years.

She remarried and moved here making a teaching career out of her profession. I've been

her student for almost eight years now. She said that I have as much talent as she does

and is willing to write me a recommendation whenever I'm ready. You could imagine my

parents grinned ear to ear after hearing that.

I arrived at her locker and attempted to open it butttt it wasn't the correct

combination. Rather than go to the office and ask for it I kept pulling on the lock hoping

it would give out.

I felt a sudden presence on my left and who other than a mouse sneaking up on me.

It was Katelyn.

"Hi." she said to me not even looking at my eyes.

"Hey?" if she says hello again I'm gonna freak out

"Hi" she raised her head a little.

Katelyn Asher was always like this; it was around March this year she came to me

when I was in the middle of cleaning the white board in our homeroom. She stood

fumbling with her hands until I notice her, then pushed an envelope at me. She ran off

immediately when I started opening it. It was a love letter. I had no idea people still did

that or at least I would get one ever. It had a lot of 'I like you's and I think you're

amazing' I ended up sticking it in some notebook. If Daisy found that I was getting love

letters from shy girls she would laugh at me till the cows came home.

Katelyn was still standing in front of me. And things were getting pretty awkward.

"So, you good?"

"Yeah I'm great.." she smiled "..I mean things are great. I'm lovely thank you."

She blabbers a lot when nervous no doubt.

"Great.." things were getting awkward again "Do you need something?"

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