Chapter 15

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 Sunday morning I woke up feeling exhausted as ever. I was still unsure if the conversation I had last night was in my head or just a dream. For sure the fight I had with my mother was real, I remember that much at least.

Still dressed in the clothes from last night I braced myself for a cold shower then headed downstairs. And to my surprise there wasn't anyone awake yet, or that's what it seemed like. I thought for sure my mother would have been up and ready to go to church but her bedroom door was shut. Seemed like she boarded herself up inside and since the Car wasn't in the driveway, dad must have left this morning to go drown his problems with liquor. I stood in the middle of the living room, not knowing what to do or say to anyone. Turning around to go back upstairs I saw here standing there, with her arm leaning against the rail.

"Can't remember the last time I stood inside this house."

My eyes just followed her movements as she stepped closer to me. "What are you doing here?"

"I just thought you could use a friend right now." she smiled then leaned into me for a hug.

I hesitated at first but when I didn't feel her warmth I couldn't help but hold her close, hugging her back. Sure this was happening in my head but it felt like her, like she was right here. I didn't wanna pull away but she did.

"You should get some rest."

"I did rest....." her small hands reached up my face then examined it by moving my head around checking all over.

"Are you done?"

She just smiled then turned heel to upstairs beckoning me to follow.

The next day, as soon as I got to school I decided to tell Leo about my newfound talent of summoning up an imaginary version of our best friend to cope with my self-depression.

I was mid process of jamming several textbooks in my locker when Leo appeared out of nowhere and leaned up against the one next to me. He was smiling ear to ear and I knew exactly why.

"Good morning.." I said to him

"Yes indeed it is a great morning."

I shook my head laughing "So you and River huh?"

"She's smart, funny, not to mention extremely beautiful."

"I'm happy for you. You seem like you like her a lot."

"I do and I can't wait for Raine to meet her as well."

Speaking for Raine "Leo, I talked to Raine."

He immediately stood up straight and his eyes lit up "She called she okay? Where is she?"

"No I mean... I hypothetically talked to her."

He looked at me really extremely confused "How do you hypothetically talk to someone? What do you mean? You dreamt of her or you hallucinated a conversation?"

"The latter."

His eyebrows did that 'What the hell are you talking about' look "Are you trying to say, you spoke to Raine.... but you cooked up some imaginary version of her?"

"Look I know it sounds weird-"

"No, If you told me you had a sex dream of her then that's weird but making an imaginary friend out of her.... that my friend is crazy." he put his hand on my shoulder, giving it a slight squeeze "When was the last time you picked up a book, you're knowledge is leaving your brain."

I sighed brushing his hand off my shoulder. I understood he didn't believe me and I didn't know what I was thinking telling him about that. Maybe I just needed him to tell me it was all in my head. Out of the corner of my eyes I saw someone come up to us, River. Leo opened his arms, lifting her off her feet in a big hug then kissed her.

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