Chapter 10

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It was late last night when I decided to finally go over to Raines' house to look for

any sign as to where she might be. I was in the middle of switching books for class when

Leo came up to me dragging his feet and sulking like a little boy who just dropped his ice

cream. He stood at the side of me them banged his head on the locker leaving it there.

"Oh boy. What's wrong this time?" I glanced at him still trying to find my books for


"It's River Madison." he moaned "its fourth period in 5 minutes and I haven't seen

her anywhere." he held up his fingers and started to count on them "I checked the Bio

lab, the Chem lab, the food lab, the music and science room and the quad and cafe.

Where is sheeee?" he banged his head a little louder

"Careful you'll give yourself a concussion" I joked

he just sighed heavily then braced himself up "Is this what love feels like? An

endless search?"

Okay right now Leo needed two things River Madison or food. I would be happy to

try the latter first

"Do you wanna go get an early lunch before class?"

his eyes lit up so fast like Christmas "I could eat."

Today were one of those days where I couldn't wait till the clock stroke two fifteen

for classes to finish. All through class, Mrs. Daniels was explaining Economics, I kept

tapping my pencils on the table and glancing at the clock every ten seconds. Finally

when she was the final class for I basically ran out her class as soon as I heard the final

bell ring. I told Benji not to wait up on me and I would be riding with Leo for a little a

couple day. He honestly didn't seem to care and was cool about not having to drop me to

any of my extra curriculars. I never told him I was skipping or pretending to be my

mother giving me the 'okay' through emails that I now sent out to my tutors whenever I

felt like it. So according to the emails I'm sick with severe headaches and vomiting every

hour or so.

Bristly walking to my locker I dumped all my textbooks in and hauled my now

lightweight backpack on my right shoulder. As I turned around Katelyn was creeping up

behind me.

Something told me I needed to now get used to that. And she was a sneaky one.

"Katelyn.....hi." I looked over to the entrance where Leo was standing twirling his

keys on his finger ready to go "Uh, is everything alright?"

"Um...I uh.... I wanted to know if you would like to hang out again sometime." she

nervously asked continuously intertwining her fingers in each other.

"Oh um I don't know." I said to her then glanced over to the entrance where Leo

was now pacing up and down. "Actually, tomorrow I have this thing, with my parents.

We always do this family dinner. You should come." I say and awkwardly tap her

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