Chapter 8

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I was staring at Leo wide eyed. The words that just came out his mouth struck me. I

didn't understand a word of what he was saying. Much less why.

And the emotion that stained his face was the same as mine. He didn't comprehend


I had to make you hate her.

Those were his words. No, those were hers.

That's what he said.

At least that's what I heard other than the beating of my own heart cause I had to

make sure I wasn't about to black out again.

"Leo.." I looked at him, his head hanging down, he sniffled then raised up to meet

my eyes. They were sad. Hurting. His blues barely made the tears fulling his eyes


" weren't supposed to find out about that fight. Hell, I wasn't even

supposed to say anything about that fight." He rubbed his eyes lids with his thumb and

index finger. "She squabbled a lot with me when you weren't around but that was little

things, like food. This.... was ultimately different. It was just me, trying to make sense of

the bullshit she was telling me." his eyes drifted between his hands and container in his

lap, trying to find the words to say.

"Tell me."

He nodded then took his wet hand running it through his hair.

"You had already gone to practice. Raine and I were just talking by the bleachers.

She was listing out all the places she want to travel to, Peru and Brazil, all these places

that she'd only seen in movies." he gave a warm smile, as if the memory was replaying

before his eyes. Then his eyes lost their warmth and his face got straight "She said

something, I.... I can't remember what she said exactly but.... but then she looked at me

and said 'I have to leave Leo. I have to leave this goddamn town before something bad

happened to us'." he looked up at me shaking his head.

"What did you say to her?"

"She walked off. So I... I went after her."


"RAINE!" I shouted at her as she was attempting to escape me by stamping across

the field. Trying to get away from me "Raine stop. Please stop." as I finally caught up to

her I grabbed her right arm and pulled her to face me.

Her face was red and wet with tears. They just fell down her face, running under her

chin. She yanked her arm free then stepped away from me.

"I'm in love with Zac." she just blurted out and started to cry more "But we can't be

together because of what I know, and what I did."

I didn't understand an ounce of fuck she was spewing out her mouth. Just seeing her

crying and out character was breaking my heart. I held her by the upper arms and she

placed hers flat on my chest.

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