Persephone Nicolaides

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Persephone Nicolaides was from a poor but strict family and as the oldest she was always getting the worst of it. She couldn't do this, she couldn't do that, she had to watch her siblings, etc. She followed instructions without complaining, most of the time. She was born in Greece, Athens to be more specific. She wasn't really well liked as a child, growing up bullied but at least she had her family...or so she thought. She realized that something was wrong between her parents when she was in highschool, during what American's would call freshman year. Her father had taken on another lover and when her mother found out all hell broke lose. They divorced and in the battle for custody her father fought for the two younger kids, stating that "teenagers were to much trouble." She and her mother moved to the US and the transition was super stressful for her, having to learn English all of a sudden, needing to try and make new friends, etc. She took to smoking and her grades started getting worse. She had started hanging out with the neighborhood bad kids because they were cool and accepted her, eventually she even began acting like them much to the chagrin of her mother. Skipping school, cursing, being in places she wasn't supposed to be, doing things she wasn't supposed to be doing etc. Lydia's ( her mother) good girl turned all the way bad in a space of a few months. She's a very pretty girl with long curly brown hair and green eyes, she has a few piercings sporting a nose ring, bar and a labret. She's tall, around 5'11 and can usually be seen in dark and fashionably ripped jeans. She is a homosexual and to make matters worse the one parent that liked her, her mother, doesn't except her or support the LGBT community at all, so their relationship is pretty strained now. Now the girl is 18 years old and a senior in highschool. ( My art )

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