Laramie Montague

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Laramie Montague is from France. At 17 years old she has a hard life. She and her brother don't have a great relationship, her stepdad is a real asshole and her mother just kind of listens to him ignoring her kids now. Laramie has split personality disorder and schizophrenia but if she takes her medicine she will be okay. If not I can't guarantee you are actually speaking to Laramie you could be speaking to one of her alter egos. Be careful of that. The actual Laramie isn't aware of what the others do. For example Laramie could love you to death but one of her alter egos could love someone else. They may go after that person and it seems like she is cheating on you but no. She has 17 different people up there. It was one of them, not her. You could tell she is portraying one of her egos when she dresses differently than what she normally would wear, or when she talks differently, some of the egos are even from different countries and they will have thst distinct accent. She is now living in America and she is single. She is a lesbian and she hasn't really been looking which is why her relationship status hasn't changed. She has a THICC French accent and her voice is a hot velvet whisper. Seductive and almost hypnotic. She is 5 feet and 11 inches tall and 132 pounds she is pretty strong however wrestling with her brother she had to be. Despite that she is extremely submissive. She likes to work out a lot. She has long brown hair and startling grey eyes that are usually filled with mischief considering the fact that she often doesn't play by the rules. She speaks French and English and when upset she will often switch to French. ( my art )

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