Beau Authement

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Beau Authement is from France. At 27 years old he has a good life. He and his sister have a great relationship, his sister in law is cool and her brother is nice. He has a good job working as an assistant for a man Named Harry. He is now living in America and he is single but he's bisexual so his options are wide. He has a THICC French accent and his voice is somewhat deep but smooth like butter rather than gruff. He is 6 feet and 1 inch tall and 174 pounds of pretty much just muscle but he does have a submissive side. He likes to work out a lot. He has brown hair and light blue eyes. Sometimes his hair is long and other times he likes to keep it short. His favorite thing to do in his free time is either read or draw. He does have anxiety and he is also kind of an introvert. His anxiety makes him pretty jumpy and he isn't very brave despite his size. His favorite book series is Percy Jackson and The Olympians and following close behind is the Heroes Of Olympus. He could talk about it all day once he really gets to know you. ( my art )

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