Badrick Campbell

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Badrick Campbell was born in Kingston Jamaica to parents named, Barkley and Amancia Campbell on May 9th 1998. He was the youngest of 4 kids, all three of his older siblings being female, as the only boy he was basically spoiled to death, by his father, who always wanted a son, by his mother for being her only boy, and by his sisters, for being the cute baby brother they could dress up in funny clothes. He quickly put a stop to the last one after he turned five years old, everytime they tried he would run away and hide until they finally got bored and went to go play something else. They weren't wealthy but they weren't as bad off as some of the people they knew at the time, he had a fun time in Jamaica, and his favorite thing was listening to the constant stream of reggae music coming from the clubs near his house. He and his friends would often go and sit nearby those clubs and make up their own lyrics to the beats, and sometimes he would come home and write his down before performing it for the family the next day, to the song he made them up to. Thats how his mother knew her boy had a gift for music, when they moved to the USA for his sisters schooling his mother made sure to find him songwriting programs and the rest was history. That became his favorite thing to do, when he hit college he would often do his songs at parties upon requests from the friends he had made since coming to the states. The boy was notorious for having girls fall for him, being 6'2, muscular, with his sexy jamaican accent, brown eyes and longish black hair, The boy was bisexual, and didn't really have a preference in terms of the gender/sex of the people he dated, (though he does prefer more feminine males) however he was more focused on his music so he rarely acknowledged their feelings. He got surprisingly positive reactions from his folks when he came out. Seeing as they were from a country that was so homophobic they made so many anti-LGBTQA laws that it was pratically illegal. ( it is illegal there ) Badrick is 23 years old now and he has made a living off of his music, He is very funny and easy going, very laid back, he is single and more often than not he is a dom/top role. ( not my art )

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