Derrian Michaels

17 0 0

Derrian was very womanly. Everything from his clothes, to his physical shape to his name, he was really girly. It didn't help that he also had a really soft voice and a girly face. He often got teased a lot by his older brothers and by guys at school for loving to dress up in girl clothes. They all called him a bunch of bad names. Like even a few derogatory terms directed at gay men. now he wasn't gay by he did like boys....he also liked girls. In other words he was bisexual and would happily take a girlfriend as soon as a boyfriend if he could find a girl that liked him for him. Derrian is 5'4, pretty short for a guy, with brown hair and green eyes that he gets from his mother. He has a womanly figure as I've mentiomed before so he's pretty slender until you get to the hip area. He likes to play video games, but he isn't much for sports or anything of the sort. You could either find him in his room or at the library when looking for him. He wears girl clothes of course so when looking for him also be sure to look for someone in girl clothes. He may look like a girl from behind but if he is in a bright red jacket it probably him. Derrian is 17 years old and a junior in high school so at least he won't be teased at school anymore. ( not my art )

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