Starting Point

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   a casual romantic or sexual relationship.

"Do not give dalliance too much rein; the strongest oaths are straw to the fire in the blood."

- William Shakespeare 


I'm just here to drop the title and description of the story but the first chapter will be published on 1st, October. 

So as you can see, I include Eric in the cover photo considering he has a huge contribution to this story. So I'm asking you (if you can) to not cringe when he and yongsun has a.. ehem.. matured moments. I will try my best to make it less gross because I know you're not here to read some hetero contents (you all gay I swear.. I am too hehehe) or might as well skip that bangbang part. 

With that being said, I hope you will support this story and.. well,  I'm not forcing you to like it or such but.. please try to 😂

This is a G!P story by the way.

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Sending virtual hugs and kisses to everyone since it's covid.


P.S. Don't assume twist and plots.. I can't think one.

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