Chapter 28

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I firmly grip the bouquet of red roses in my hand as I straighten the necktie of my suit before opening the door to our home.

I'm surprisingly nervous about asking my wife for a dinner date after all the years we've been together. I know I lack time to take her out to fancy restaurants like before, or spend moments like watching movies and such because of work, but now I'm trying to rebuild it. I'm trying to get back what we had in the precious past.. the happy memories we cherished.

"I'm home!"

I make my presence be notice the moment I open the door and take off my shoes. I nervously wipe my face and straighten my suit before taking deep breaths to calm my nerves. I think I'm insane. I shouldn't feel nervous about asking her out, but here I am, feeling extremely stupid and sweating and my hands shaking--

My thoughts ended when I noticed the serenity devouring the place. It was quiet.. too quiet that I thought the house was empty, which rarely happens since yongsun always busy herself with house chores every time I come home.

Now, it feels.. lonely.

I made my way inside the house, confirming if my doubts were right, that I'm all alone and my wife isn't here to serve me. I check the kitchen, the living room, the bathrooms, and our bedroom, before finally accepting the fact that I'm right.. yongsun isn't home.

Where is she this time? Is she with her friends again?


I dropped the flower on the top of the kitchen counter, defeated, as I strode towards the fridge to check if she left something for me to eat. I opened the fridge with a heavy heart, just to be disappointed once again when I found nothing.. nothing to microwave, nothing to fill my empty stomach.

I unknowingly clenched my fist at the sight before closing the fridge and walking towards the living room. I am not angry because she didn't cook any food, I am angry because she didn't leave any message to say where she was or what time she'd be home. Every time she went out, she'd tell me about her plans and who would be there. Every damn time, she'll inform me of her whereabouts. This time, I got nothing.

If she planned to go out, she would cook something beforehand before taking her leave.

This time.. I got nothing.


Where are you, yongsun?


A faint knock caused me to open my eyes lazily and scan the room, trying to figure out where it came from. My head turns towards the side of the door, thinking, waiting for the knock to happen again. It did, but it wasn't coming from the door. Most likely, it was coming from the window shield of my room, and my mind automatically remembers that random bird who visits me every morning to annoy my day.

It will bump its beak for the rest of the morning, and it will just stop if I open the window and bring some food for it to eat. Yes, I look like a goddamn Cinderella with this, but hey, I named him 'nameless'.. and nameless is my alarm clock.

I stood up, stretching my arms up in the air and slightly tilting my head left and right. I open the tiny compartment in the drawer and fetch the pack of bird seeds I bought the other day. I grab a handful of seeds before marching my way to the window to open it.

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