Chapter 22

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I stir from my deep slumber when I feel someone's arm wrapped possessively around my waist, her head buried deep within the crook of my neck while snoring lightly. I lazily open my eyes, scan the dimly lighted room before my eyes gaze went down at the person beside me. A comforting sensation automatically emerged inside of me when the best view appears in my hazy sight, making me smile despite feeling exhausted with just recalling the events last night.

I'm confidently sure I look stupid from too much smiling early in the morning but my mind can't stop reminiscing the happenings last night. Her delicate touch, her pleasant moans, the way she begs for me- to don't stop until dawn, and especially, the way she kisses me like all her unsaid thoughts were poured into my mouth.. it all tattooed on my brain.

How lucky I am to experience all of that?

I shifted my body to the side and returned her embrace, smelling the top of her head on the process as I slip my hands under her neck, hugging her head closer to my body. I must've overdone my actions that she groans in her sleep and wiggle her way out from me, facing the other side of the bed instead.

A light chuckle escape from my mouth as I let her do what she wants. She drags the sheet and covers her naked body up to her neck. I thought any second from now she'll wake up and scold me for ruining her sleep, I'm impressed after she face the other side, I could hear soft snores from her again indicating she have slept for the second time. I assumed she must really be tired for not waking up despite all the fuss I made.

I threw a glance at the wall clock hanging on my left side and it says 7:05 am. Our flight back home is 9, and as much as I want her curled up like a burrito beside me, we still have to prepare and make breakfast.

The thought of going back home doesn't suit my taste. I hate the idea of it, the idea of her being away from me, the idea of her coming back home to her husband while me, back to the house I consider dungeon.. cage even. The idea of being alone isn't a big deal to me before. Now that yongsun came and break my wall like she's some sort of a wrecking ball, all my principles in life changed. Is it a crime to admit that I just want to be with her forever?

I shake my head to purge the unnecessary thoughts clouding inside my head. I don't want to start overthinking again. I should treasure our last moments in Paris together before we go home and be back to reality. Atleast now, I'm sure we will keep in contact after what happened to us.

So anyway..

How should I wake her up?

Any ideas?


A/N: Maybe [M], maybe not.


I groan in my sleep when I felt someone's fingers tracing soft random patterns on my back that cause shivers down my spine. I didn't bother putting much attention to it, thinking the sudden sensation would fade away after a few, or this was just some sort of dream. But the more I ignore it, the more it made clear that it wasn't my imagination, that it was there to gain my attention.

I still refuse to face the culprit and remain my eyes closed, feeling exhausted from I don't know what, but when the touch drags its way towards my stomach and someone's front was pressed against my back, I know I have to open my eyes and do something.

However, before I could retaliate, protest, or ask myself what is happening, I shut my eyes tight again as pleasure crawled within me when the hand on my stomach traveled up my breast and knead it as if my chest is some sort of stress ball.. not helping that she pinch my hardened nipple and slowly did a circular motion on it.

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