Chapter 26

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"Wanna see my room?"

Moonbyul strode her way towards yongsun who's now feeling a bit stiff while watching moonbyul take a step closer to her. The dog that was following her was already nowhere of sight, and moonbyul guess daebak followed his siblings in the kitchen and probably play by themselves. It makes her grin even more thinking there wouldn't be an annoying nuisance barking out loud later.

Moonbyul stops her tracks when she's closer enough and yongsun is sure her breathing stop for a second as a deep shaky exhale escape from her nose.

"My room can offer interesting.. things. I think you will like it." Moonbyul proceeds, whirling strands of yongsun hair into her finger, slowly pulling it closer to her nose, inhaling its addictive scent with eyes closed as if it's some sort of drugs.

Yongsun's expression remained passive even though she's already screaming inside. She's doing a great job restraining her arms on her side where in fact all she wants is to wrap them around moonbyul's nape, pull her closer, and erase that grin on her mouth with her lips. But hey, they have all the time in the world, they're not here to rush things.. that's why yongsun chose to behave and enjoy the moment.

"And what's in your room that makes it interesting, Ms.Moon?"

The response made moonbyul chuckle as she stop twirling yongsun's hair. Instead of answering, her sneaky fingers decided to open two buttons of yongsun's clothes. Yongsun watch as byul's fingers move-- raising her eyebrow at the smirking moonbyul who's having fun unbuttoning her garments-- but she didn't stop her. She keeps her composure steady while silently waiting for the woman's next move.

"I don't know.. how about we figure it out together?"

Moonbyul intends to open only two buttons but yongsun's cleavage became a big deal that instead of stopping, she worked on with the other buttons until the very last. The outline of yongsun mounds is visibly peeking from the crack of her clothes and it's enough for moonbyul's mind to drift elsewhere.. like her fantasies.

Yongsun looks down at her body and stares blankly at her open sleeve, watching moonbyul's index finger inch and draw random circles on her belly button. Her breathing hitched and the lump on her throat she doesn't know exists block her trachea like a landslide blocking the road. Her eyes instinctively close in response as she felt moonbyul's soothing touches trail upward, leaving goosebumps all over her body.

The tip of her finger traveled from her stomach up to her cleavage.. and lastly stops on her chin, pulling yongsun's face up so they could look each other eye to eye. She could feel moonbyul's warm breath hitting her face and she intakes that air like she's out of oxygen. She fluttered her eyelids apart, allowing her to witness a divine visual just centimeters away from her.

"I doubt your room can offer something.. but I think the owner can?" Yongsun declared as she give moonbyul a flirtatious wink and pulled her face away. Moonbyul was about to put her hand back down when yongsun's mouth followed her retreating finger, biting her nail seductively before completely devouring half of its length inside her mouth. She sucks it like a baby hungry for milk as she twirls her tongue on it.

After seeing moonbyul orbs turn vantablack-- the darkest shade of black-- a taunting smirk appeared on yongsun's face as she use her hand to pull out moonbyul's finger from her mouth. After she did a one last lick that satisfy her thoroughly, yongsun made her way upstairs, leaving a frozen moonbyul in her place.

She wasn't sure what just happened. Moonbyul was left standing on her spot like a fool while looking dumbly at her trembling wet finger that she's certain was inside yongsun's mouth just a few seconds ago. Her mind was floating into the depths of nowhere that it took her a moment to realize she's already alone. Like a flash late for work, she hurriedly dashes upstairs-- almost tripping on the steps-- and enters the only door on that floor that leads her inside her massive bedroom.

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