1. Bestfriend

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I was lying on the couch when I got a text from quackity.

"Hey, I'm doing a sims stream tonight and was wondering if you wanted to come on and show me how to play?" He texted me.

"Oh hell ya I do." I responded. See I also do YouTube myself. I play the sims. I have a decent amount of subscribers. About 2 million. I absolutely love what I'm doing. I'm loving life right now.

"Ok sounds good I usually stream around 6 but I'll text you when I'm ready. Also can you grab a few fun mods for me?" He responded to my text.

"Oh yeah I got some crazy mods that you will love. I'll send the links to you." I explained to him.

"Ok cool."

"If you need help installing them just ask me."

I got on to the computer to sort out the mods that he will need. A must is Mc command center. That is so freaking helpful. And Ofcores the murder mod. How could I not give it too him. Along with deadly toddler and ui cheat extension. I also add a few cosmetic things to make his sims look nicer like a default skin and eyes replacement. I can't stand sims with out them. I spent about an hour going through finding all the mods and sending him the links. This boy is lucky I like him. After that I took about 3 hours to make a whole bunch of sims for him. Just random people and celebrities. Like Harry styles. I really enjoy making sims so it wasn't all that bad.

I looked at the clock to realize 5 hours had passed. I felt my stomach growl. I didn't even notice I was hungry. I'll just door dash some chick fil a. By the time I had gotten my food and eaten it. It was already 5:30. I didn't realize the time.

"Did you figure out the mods ok?" I texted quackity.

"Yeah I got them. But I want to make sure everything is good so can we get on discord and I can share my screen to you to make sure everything is good?" He responded to me quickly.

"Yeah I'm already at desk so you can just call me." I sent then text then a few seconds later I was getting a call. I joined the call.

"Hey." I said.

"Hello, how have you been?" He asked. Alex was always less extreme when he wasn't streaming. He definitely was still energetic though.

"Good." I responded. "What did you need help with?"

"So I tried to put the mods in the game and the shit won't work. Non of the mods are showing." He explained.

"Do you have the enabled mods box checked in the settings under other?" I asked

"Nooo." He responded quietly. I think that's the first time he's ever been quite.

"Share you screen so I can show you where it is." I told him. I explained all the steps to getting the mods working. Luckily it took only about 20 minutes so we had ten minutes to set up the mics and making sure every thin was ok.

We streamed for about 2 hours. I laughed as he slowly killed off all the sims I made. All the hard work gone in 2 hours. It was funny but I little painful. I absolutely love streaming with him. He's so crazy and I love it. He is definitely one of my bestfriends.

"So when are you coming to Florida to visit me?" I asked him as a joke.

"I'm actually going there in a week to meet up with some of my other friends. So I can see you then." He responded.

"No way! Hell yes I finally get to see you bitch." I teased him.

"I know I know I'm so cool you just get to see me." He smirked.

"I actually hate you." I laughed.

"Shut up bitch." He laughed along with me.

"So do you have like a hotel next week because if you don't you can definitely crash and my house I have a spare bedroom I use for when my mom comes to visit me." I said

"That would actually be super nice. I haven't booked a hotel yet so I think that could work. Are you sure though?" He asked.

"Hells yeah I am." I said loudly. "I would love to have you here. How long will you be staying?"

"A week. From Sunday to Sunday. Is that too long for you?" He asked.

"Alex you won't bother me." I tried to make him understand.

"Ok fine I'll do it." He gave in.

"Hell yeah!" We talked for a while about useless things. Nothing worth sharing.

"Ok it's like 12 am so im going to bed. Goodnight." I said to Alex.

"Good night." He said back.

I left the call and turned off my pc. I stood up and all my bones cracked from sitting so long. I got ready for bed. I went into my bathroom and put my purple hair into two small pigtails. I put on my biggest shirt on and took off my pants to sleep. I scrolled through tik tok for about 30 minutes untill I fell asleep.

- A week later-

Alex is coming tonight so I definitely need to clean my house. I'm not the cleanest person ever. I tend to put laundry off till I have no more clothes left.

I went into the guest room to make sure everything was okay. I remade the bed because my cat bean had slept on it and got hair everywhere. It took me about 3 hours to clean. I dusted, rearrange, and threw stuff away. It was boring work but I just played some random music and jumped around dancing to it.

A few hours later I heard a knock at the door. I bet Alex is here. I went over to the door and opened it. It was Alex.

"Alex!" I hugged him tightly.

"Lizzie!" He hugged me back.

I broke the hug picking up his suitcase to bring it in.

"What the f*ck are you doing." He laughed. "Let me take that. He tried to grab the suitcase but I slapped his had away. "Ow." He pulled his hand away. "Bitch."

"I got this. I'm am the hostess." I brought his suitcase to the spare bedroom. " So here's where you will be staying." I showed him the room and the bathroom down the hall. I showed him around my small home. I lived alone with only my cat to keep me company so it got lonely around here. It was nice to have some here. "I can imagine you're tired so I can let you sleep."

"Yeah I'm fucking exhausted." He yawned.

"Ok good night I'll see you tomorrow."

Bestfriends, Bestfriend (Sapnap)Where stories live. Discover now