11. Picnic date

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After a long night of talking to Alex I finally made my way back into Nick's room. I smiled at how peaceful he looked when he was sleeping. I looked at my phone to see it was 3:30 am. I yawned and got into one of Nick's shirts as pajamas. I get in bed as quietly as possible. Then I pull the covers up over me and snuggled into Nick. He shifted in his bed to naturally spoon me. Finally I fell asleep in his arms like almost every night.

I woke up to the smell of some kind of food. I reached over and grabbed my phone to notice it was 2 pm. Usually I try to get up early to not waste all my day but I never do because im always up so late. I turned around stretching in bed. Slowly sit up trying not to get light headed. I got out of bed and rubbed my face trying to wake myself up. I smelled the food again. Which was odd because the boys aren't usually up this early. Nick's still sleeping so it must be Clay. I put a bra back on and open the door and sneak over to my room so Clay doesn't seem in my underwear. I made it into my room without being spotted. I took a quick shower and changed into some bike shorts and my corpse hoodie. I put my short hair in to two small pigtails and made my way into the living room. I walk in and Clay is sitting at the bar eating food.

"Hey Liz." He said to me.

"Hey Clay. What did you make?" I asked him curious about the food I clearly smelled early.

"Oh just some Mac and cheese." He told me before he shoved a big chuck of Mac and cheese.

"Oooo give me give me." I walked over the kitchen like a weird gremlin.

"Your weird." He laughed at me.

"You love it." I teased him.

"Yes I do." He laughed. I got some Mac and cheese and came to sit next to Clay. "Were you up late last night because usually you get up at like 12 to 1.

"Yeah I was up all night talking to Alex after our stream." I explained to him.

"That stream was fucking hilarious." He pointed his fork at me.

"Yeah it was so fun. It was the most fun I have had in a while. Don't get me wrong I love hanging out with Nick but oh boy is Alex always a ride." I laughed. "Don't tell him that or he will get jealous."

"I won't my lips are sealed." He did the fake zip and throw away the key bit.

"So how have you been? You don't seem to talk about yourself a lot." I asked him.

"You know same old same old. Just working on YouTube stuff relaxing. I mean its not like I can't ever go out and do anything with you two. Which is kinda frustrating you know." He told me.

"Yeah I could see what that would get old. Do you think you would do a face reveal anytime soon?" I asked him.

"I was waiting for George to come to America and live with us. So we can go out and do things. That does mean you'll be kicked out of your room. Sorry." He laughed.

"Its not like I sleep in there much anyways I usually end up sleeping with Nick." I said.

"That is true. I can't wait for geroge to come. I can't wait to see him for like the first time." He said.

"Yeah it's really hard being away from some of your closest friends. Like me and Alex. We live so far away luckily we get to see eachother. So I totally get you." I smiled.

"Yeah it sucks. Luckily I have had Nick here to keep me company for a while. Then you moved in so more company." He smiled and  stab his food to get another bite.

"Yeah. I know Nick wishes he could see Karl more then he does but I feel like we all live so far spread out." I continued the conversation.

"Yeah maybe we should just rent out a big house for all of us like the team ten house." He laughed at his joke.

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