5. What?

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We pulled up to my hosue. Alex still hasn't said anything to me. "What the fuck is wrong with you." I looked over at him he looked up and me with dark eyes. Then out of nowhere he kissed me roughly. I pulled back confused.

"What?" I looked at him.

"I'm sorry I just. I needed you to know that I had feelings for you." He got out if the car quickly. I sat in the car dumbfounded with what just happend. I was so confused because I love Alex as a friend and have only up to this point seen him like that. I was confused and turned on by how rough he was with me. I felt my lips where he kissed me but the same place where Nick has kissed me. I got out of the car and walked to my house. I went in through the front door. I didn't see Alex anywhere he must of been in his room. I walked over to my spare room and knocked on the door. There was no answer.

"Hey." I said through the door. "Can I come in?" I asked. There was still no answer I opened the door slowly to make sure he was fully dressed. I saw him on his bed his head in his hands.

"What do you want." He looked at me. I could see where he had been crying.

"I didn't think I meant that way to you." I sat by him on his bed. He didn't respond back. "Honestly I don't know what to think now." He looked up at me for the first time since the kiss. He looked me in the eye and brought his hand to my face and slowly leaned into meet my lips. He kissed me softly this time. His lips were soft. He pulled away and put his head on mine.

"I.. I.. love you lizzie." He whispered quietly.

I said nothing in response not knowing what to even say.

"Alex..." I huffed. "I don't know what you want me to do."

"I want you to say I love you too. I want you to hold me at night when we sleep. I want you to live with me. I want you to be my girlfriend." He said.

"I cant do that." I looked down.

"Why?" His voice cracked.

"Because I don't love you like that. I don't want to be a relationship with you just to make you stay. I don't want to have to lie to you like that." I felt tears start to form

"I cant be here." He said standing up.

"What?" I asked concerned.

"I said I can't be here!" He yelled. I try to grab his hand but he rips it out. He walked toward the front door.

"Alex! Wait!" I chase after him.

"Leave me alone Lizzie!" He turned around and screamed at me. In pure shock I stood there and let him leave. When what just happened sunk in I fell to my knees in pain. It felt like my heart was just ripped out. I loved him like a brother and now he's gone. I got all the strength in my body and stood up to go inside. I closed the door and slide down so I was sitting on the floor with my face in my knees. I stayed there for what felt like hours just crying. Untill I heard my phone ring. I grabbed it and saw it was Nick.

"Hello." I sniffed

"Are you ok?" Nick said.

"N..No." I began crying again. As hard as when Alex left.

"Whats wrong baby?" He asked concerned for me.

"A..Alex." I cried hard.

"What. What did he do are you ok?" He started to get angry.

"He...He...left me." I responded.

"What do you mean he left you?" He asked.

"He said he loved me I told him I didn't feel the same and then he left." I cried

"Do you need me to come over? I can leave now." I asked.

"Y..yes." I sniffed.

"Send me you address and I'll be there as soon as possible."

I sent him my address and waited for him to come. It felt like hours and hours had passed before I heard him knocking on the door. I stood up and opened the door. He hugged me immediately. I hugged him back tightly and cried.

"Here come on lets go sit down." He walked me to my couch and sat me down. " Can you tell me what happened?"

"We got home I asked him why he was mad at me. Then he kissed me." I said.

"He kissed you!" He seemed to get mad.

"Yeah. Then he told me he loved me. I told him I didn't feel the same and then he left." I cried on his shoulder.

"I'm so sorry." He held me in his arms. "Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Stay with me." I sniffed.

"Ok ill stay with you." He told me.

"Thank you." I cried into his neck. "Nick?" I looked up at him.

"Yeah honey?" He looked at me confused.

"Please don't ever leave me." I put my head back on his shoulder.

"I won't ever leave you." He rested his head on mine and kissed the top of it.

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