13. Chill

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I was sat down on the couch watching Jane the virgin like I do in my spare time. Then I hear someone start to walk over to where I was I look up from the tv and see Clay and Nick. They were talking about somthing I didn't know what.

"Hey Liz we got a question." Clay said.

"Yeah?" I asked getting a little nervous.

"We were wondering if you would want to come on the smp for a stream?" Nick said. "Just thought it would be a cool idea and then I could officially put it out on my channel about us dating."

"No yeah that would be so cool." I smiled at them.

"Ok sweet." He smiled his small smile at me and took a seat right next to me. "Whatcha watching?"

"Jane the virgin." I told him.

"Haven't you seen this like 2 times?" He asked laughing a little.

"Doesn't mean I can't watch it again." I said. "Maybe you can join me thus time and actually understand what I'm saying."

"Only if you listen to my music." He fired back. He knows I hate the type of music he listens to. I like more punk and pop. Very different sounds but I love them just as much as eachother.

"Its not my fault you have a bad music taste." I scoffed.

"Its not my fault you watch bad TV shows." He laughed.

"Oh piss off." I laughed punching his arm softly in a flirting way.

"Ow." He rubbed his arm all dramatically like I just socked him in the arm.

"Oh shut up."I laughed. He giggled with me. I rest my head in his shoulder and continue to watch the show.

"Wait so she pregnant with his baby but she's dating him who knows that the other guys wife is cheating on him but won't tell her because she might want to keep the baby?"He asked trying to understand the plot.

"Yes." I laughed at his confused face.

"How do you keep up with this shit." He laughed.

"I've seen it a couple of times." I laugh. After a few more episodes I said. "We can turn this off now."

"Are you sure you want to?" He asked.

"Yeah." I laughed. "Are you sure you want me too." He seemed to be getting hung up on the plot with all the cliff hangers and drama. "I thought you did like this show?"

"I dont." He said trying to play it off. "I'm to manly for this show." He flexes his muscles at me.

"Oh yeah you totally are." I laughed smiling wide at how much I love this goof.

"That's what I thought bitch." He said aggressively. I laughed knowing he was kidding and didn't mean it in a bad way. We always play fought back and forth. Thats how I am with all my friends. It's how I show my love and affection. Weird I know but my whole family is soooo.

I got up stretching cracking my back like always. "I'm going to play the sims by myself for once and not record a lets play." I made my way into my now office untill George get here. I pulled up my favorite family the piper family and played for like t hours straight. Do I have a problem yes I do. But I am aware so thats good. I heard the door open and saw Nick walking into the room. "Hey babe."

"Hey." He smiled at me.

"Did you need somthing?" I asked.

"Just your attention." He said. I smiled and laughed at him of happiness. I got up out of my seat and went over to hug him. He squeezed me and lifted me up into the air. "I love you more then anything." He smiled kissing my head.

"I love you're then anything but the sims." I joked with him. He laughed at my joke.

"I wish you were kidding." He laughed playing along with the joke.

"Ofcores im kidding." I laughed at him. "You are my whole world. I have a problem because I love you too much."

"I guess you're ok." He joked with me. "Herr get on my back." He turned around for me to jump on him. I did so failing the first attempt but getting it in the second attempt. He spun around in circles then ran out the door. My leg hit the door way.

"Fuck!" I yelled. "That hurt so bad." Nick slid me off his back. I sit on the ground holding my knee.

"Are you ok? Do you need help?" He asked.

"Yeah I'm fine its just bleeding. You tore some skin off." I laughed not taking it to seriously.

"I'm sorry babe." He apologized. "Here let me help you get up." He reached out his hand and pulled me up. I knee hurt slightly but I could walk. We went into the kitchen into the medicine cabinet. He opened it and pulled out some rubbing alcohol. "Here sit on the counter and come to the sink." He put me on the counter and I put my knee over the sink. He poured the alcohol over the scrape cleaning it. It felt a little painful but nothing unbearable. He took a bandaid and put it on my knee. "All better." He joked like he was a doctor.

"Thanks." I hop off the counter my knee giving out on me a bit but I managed to get ok.

"Are you actually ok?" He asked me concerned.

"I mean its a little bruised but you did just wack my knee into the wall so that should happen." I laugh it off trying to make him feel better. In all reality I have bad knees from when I jumped off a roof and hurt my knee. I know it was stupid but I was dared to and I'm not one to back away from somthing. I walk into me and Nick's room cringing in pain at every step but hiding it with a smile. I finally sit on the bed relaxing. I put my knee up on the bed to see it a little bruise.

"Are you sure your ok?" Nick got on the bed with me.

"Yes, babe I'm fine." I reassured him.

"I know your lying to me." He looked me straight in the eyes.

"Well maybe it hurts a little but I'm ok it's nothing I can't deal with." I smiled at him. "Tho some ice would be nice."

"As you wish." He said quoting one of my favorite movies the princess bride.

"Oh my sweet Wesley." I said dramatically finishing the quote. He laughs then leaves to go get some ice.

Soon enough he came back with a bag full of ice. Like a nurse at school. "Here." He handed it to me.

"Thanks baby your the best." I smiled at him scrunching my nose up. I put the ice on my knee and relax.

"Well I promised Alex that I would be on his Jackbox stream tonight so I'm going to get ready. You can stay in if you want." He said.

"Yeah I will. I love watching you play games." I said. "Pull it up on one of you side monitors so I can see tho."

"Good point." He said to me. "Your so smart."

"I know I know." I waved my arm dismissing him.

I watched him play jackbox for about two hours. It was very funny. Then again all the boys are funny so. They stopped after tow hours and Alex ended his stream.

Nick rolled out of his desk and jumped on the bed beside me. "Well that was fun." He laughed.

"It sure was interesting." I laughed along with him.

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