12. Streaming with Sapnap

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"Ok hold on I'm trying to get this set up." I told Nick as he tried to pull his his chair up to mine. I turned on my pc and tried to set up my stream. "Ok it's literally not working out wifi fucking sucks." I complained.

"Honestly it be like that sometimes." He agreed with me.

After a few minutes of fiddling around with some setting I got it working after Nick restarted the router. It was a few minutes till we started the stream. I put up the starting soon screen while I figured out my microphone and Nick got all situated next to me so the stream would see him. I titled the stream "Giving into popular demand and playing fanaf with Sapnap" I looked at my second screen to see the chat spamming.

"Holy shit there is a lot more people here then normal." I told Nick.

"Its probably because im here and I'm be best." He joked.

"I guess that true." I laughed a long with him. I turned my facecam on. "Hello gamers." I waved at the screen. "Today we will be taking a break from the sims and instead we will be playing fnaf. Also Sapnap is here to join me so I don't pee my pants from being scared. I'm a really jumpy person so this should be a little interesting." I explained. "I'm going to have a scare counter that everytime I get scared I gift a sub. I was thinking about doing more but I do not make asmuch as dream and sap do. So one sub it is. I can tell you it will be a lot." I laughed at myself.

"You know I'm just as much as a baby as you are." Nick laughed at me.

"I mean hey atleast you come by it honestly." I chuckled a little. "But maybe we will be braver together. Ok lets start the game." I pulled up the game and bouted it up. After it loaded I switched to the game screen and not our huge faces. "Ok we are doing the original because I've never played before so is rather start from the beginning. We might play the other games if you want us too." I explained to the chat. "If you do just tell me. Ok I should actually play now." I go to click the button to start. "Ok never mind I do not want to play this. Can we do somthing else guys?" I begged the chat. I saw them spamming no.

"It looks like they want you to do it." Nick pointed to the chat.

"Bur I don't wanna." I complained.

"Stop being a baby." Nick said.

"Well if I'm the baby then you should play."I argued with his stament.

"Just kidding your not a baby." He took back.

"That's what I thought." I laughed. "Ok lets do this thing." I pressed the start button. The game soon opened to the office that I always hoped I would not be in. I listened to the phone guy talk explaining the game. I check the cameras every so often so I wouldn't die. After he hung up is when the first one moved. I clicked the camera to see him gone. I started panicking and spam clicking the different cameras to find him. "Where is he!" I yelled.

"If you weren't clicking so fast you could see." Nick laughed at my panicked state.

"Did I ask?" I said jokingly. He shook his head and laughed a little. I finally found him in the room just out side the doors. I panicked and closed down the camera to check the door. I turn on the light and no one was there. I opened my camera again to check if anyone was gone. Chicka wasn't there so I panic clicked trying to find her. The cameras blacked out for a second then Bonnie came flying at my screen. "Holy shit!" I yelled jumping back pulling my hands off my house and curling up in a ball. Them after I burst into laughter along with Nick.

"Hahahah that was amazing." He laughed at my state.

"How the fuck did he get me so fast? I dont understand." I put my head in my hand.

"Come on try again. Don't be a baby." He mocked me jokingly.

"Noo it's scary. Why don't you try it?" I asked him.

"Because I am also a baby." He laughed.

"I know but your my baby." I said jokingly.

"I hated that." He made a weird face at my comment. I just giggled in response. "Come on try again." He tried to get me to play I second round.

"Sap I don't wanna." I whined. I always call him Sap on stream because that's how people know him. That chat started spamming reminding me that I need to gift a sub. "Oh I forgot. Sorry guys I'll add that to the counter." I apologized adding it to the scare counter on my stream. I played a couple more rounds some how never getting passed the second round.

"Guys I panic to much for this game. I suck" I laughed at how bad I was.

"Well you ain't wrong about that." Nick laughed.

"Why are you being suck a downer I thought you were here to protect me." I poked fun at him.

"I'm sorry babe." He hugged the side of me. I wrapped my hand around his arms. The whole chat was spamming awww, cute, and couple goals.

"Its ok I forgive you." I laughed patting his arm.

After a few more rounds I gave up. There is no way I could beat this game. I ended up with like 17 yells. "Ok guys I'm going to end the stream soon. Just lete gift these subs first." I notification popped up on my screen. We sat and chatted with chat answering donations and just questions in the chat. "Ok guys well its been a good stream thank you guys such for coming I really appreciate all the support. Also thank you so much for the bits, donations, and subs. See you guys." I blew a kiss at the camera then ended stream. I sit back and cracked my bones like I always do. "I probably should have raided someone now that I think about it."

"Yeah but its ok." Nick laughed at me. "Come here." He stands up and helps out of my chair. He pulls my close to hug him. "Jump." He whispered in my ear. I did exactly what he said. I snuggled my head into his shoulder. I loved the way he smelled it always calmed me. He walked me out of my office and into out now shared bedroom. He threw my on the back so I was on my back. He flopped down next to me. I snuggled up into him.

"I love you." He sighed while breathing out. I smiled wide my cheeks blushing.

"I love you more." I said.

"And I love you most."He finished the quote from tangled.

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