9. I'm dating Sapnap

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"Hello guys welcome back to my YouTube channel and today I'm here with a new interesting video. I'm here to explain all the questions you have been asking me. Like why did your background change? Who is that man screaming in the background? Why is there two cats? Well I have some big news that will probably come out of nowhere um I'm dating someone. You might know who he is." I pulled Nick Into frame with his rolling chair. "Its Sapnap!"

"Hey guys." He did his small smile and wave.

"So you probably have a lot of questions which is understandable. Like when the hell did you guys meet and how long have you known echother also are you two living together. Well we met through my bestfriend Alex mostly known as quackity. When he was here visiting me I went to Nick's house and we immediately hit it off. Then about a few weeks later he asked me out and about a week ago we officially moved in together. So now I'm living with dream and sapnap. I hope you guys send him love because he's a great guy. Obviously because im dating him. I just wanted to let you guys know." I explained more in detail about how we met. Nick added in little comments. I ended the recording and turned off my camera. I leaned back in my chair stretching.

"I hope this goes well." I said.

"I'm sure it will. Don't make yourself panic." Nick reassured me.

"I might just edit this video right now so I don't have to be nervous about what might happen." I told him. "It shouldn't take to long to edit. Honestly I don't think it needs much. I could run it by Clay and see what he would do."

"Yeah you could." He responded.

"I'll go ask him." I got up and walked over to Clay's bedroom and knocked on the door. "Hey it's lizzie can I come in?"

"Yeah!" He shouted in response. I opened the door he was on his phone laying in bed. "Hey." He smiled at me.

"Hey I was wondering if you could look at my video and see if you could make it better. It's the one that me and Nick did and I just want it to he perfect you know." I rubbed the back of my neck.

"Ofcores I will just give me a minute and I'll be in." He said smiling.

"Ok sounds good to me." I gave him and awkward thumbs up which got out a small laugh from him. I left the room closing the door behind me. I walked back into my room Nick was still in there but this time on my bed.

"So what did he say?" Nick asked me.

"He said he could. He will be here in a second." I jumped on the bed lying next to Nick. I put my head on his chest. And focused on his rhythmic breathing. His hand played with my hair. I opened my phone and started scrolling through tiktok. I heard the door open and Clay come in.

"Can you unlock your computer?" Clay asked.

"Oh yeah sure. I would have to do that." I laughed a little. I got up from my comfortable position of lying on Nick. I typed in the pass code and opened I up to the video. Clay went through and did small fixes for me.

"Over all it was a pretty good video. So I didn't add anything just cut a few parts out. I wanted it to feel authentic and real not like you were reading off a script." He explained to me.

"Thanks so much." I gave him a small hug. His body stiffened with surprise at first. Then he let loes after a second.

"If you have any more questions feel free to ask." He said.

"Will do." I smiled at him.

"Well I'm going to go chill in my room again." He left the room.

I hopped back on the bed joining Nick again. I look up at him just staring.

"Is somthing on my face babe?" Nick asked me.

"No your just so hot I can't help but look." I laughed a little.

"Oh shut up." He scoffed at me.

"I'm serious you one sexy mother fucker." I laughed.

"Yeah I am." He let out his cute little giggle. I kissed him on the cheek. Then snuggled my head into his shoulder. He had his arm around my body holding me tightly like he never wanted to leave. He rubbed my arm. Like he was trying to get my attention.

"Yeah?" I looked up at him with a smile. "Did you want me to do somthing."

He looked shocked at first not knowing how I knew exactly what he wanted me to do. I sat up and sat ontop of his body and kissed his nose sweetly.

"Aw come on now don't tease me like that." He complained. "I want it more like this." Somehow he sat up with my ontop of him easily pushing me down so I was sitting on his lap and not his stomach. He put his hand up to my face and kissed my lips softly. He pulled away and put are foreheads together. "You understand now?" He asked me. I nodded. We started kissing slowly and passionately. His hands stayed at my neck keeping me there. I put my hands in his hair playing with it. The kiss deepend. Soon he flipped me over onto my back so he was above me. He smiled his cute small smile. I scrunched my nose up while smiling. "You're beautiful." He said to me. He went back to kissing me. He moved his lips too my neck and brushed it softly. I shutter at the contact sending goosebumps down my arms. He stared to fully kiss my neck sucking to leave small hickeys. I let a small noise out as he kissed me. His hands started to roam my body feeling ever non curve I have as he kissed more passionately. He looked up at me looking all hot and bothered. "Do you want to go all the way?" He asked me politely making sure I was ok with everything that was about to happen. All the dreams I had are about to come true.

"Yes." I breathed out quietly. He grabbed me and kissed me harder. Then we you know did it.

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