20. Yes

25 1 1

I stared into the mirror looking at myself. How my eyeliner perfectly shaped my eyes. My usually dark makeup was replaced with a gold makeup look. My hair was half up half down. The bottom was curled. Two gold chains hung from my ears as earings. Along with that was a gold chain necklace and a gold simple necklace. I felt pretty. More like beautiful. It's the best I felt in a long time. I stand up and go into our room and picked up my gold infinity ring Nick gave me for our 9 month anniversary. Then I go to the closet and put on my black dress. I walk to my full body mirror and admire myself for the first time in a while. I then grabbed my black high heels and put them on. I grab my watch and put it on my wrist along with another bracelet. I look down at the time to see it's 5 minutes till 5. I was really pushing the time limit. Nick said he would be back at 5 to take me out. I grab my clutch bag and walk towards the living room. Clay and George were watching some kind of show.

"Hey liz-wow you look beautiful." Clay said with a little bit of pain on his voice. "Nick's going to love it." He smiled his best fake smile. I could tell it wasn't real.

"You look as good as I could imagine." George smiled at me.

Thats when I heard a knock at the door. Confused at who ut could be I walk over to open the door. Nick was standing there in a suit that fit him perfectly. His smiled was wide as he looked at me. "Wow Liz you look amazing and beautiful."

"Not to bad yourself." I joked not knowing how to take a compliment.

"Are you ready?" He held out his arm so I could take it.

"Yep." I grabbed his arm as we walked to his car. He came over to my side to open my door and close it. He jogged his way to the other side getting in quickly.

"Ok lets do this thing." He smiled at me and started his car.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"A restaurant . A fancy Italian one. Hence the suit." He said.

"Oooo you know in love pasta." I smiled.

"Ofcores I know. You always tell me you're a slut for pasta." He laughed.

"Its because it's amazing." I said.

"I mean your not wrong." He said. "Ok time to go." He turned on the car and drove there. When we got to the restaurant he opened the door for me before I even had the chance to open it.

"My lady." He said making a stupid voice.

"Oh shut up." I laughed at his joke.

He put his hand out for me to grab it. He was really pulling out all the stops. I grabbed his hand and he helped me out of the car. I smiled and him actually loving the way he was treating me. He puts his arm out for me to grab it. I giggled and hooked my arm around his. "I love you." I smiled wide.

"And I love you." He leand down and whispered in my ear. I giggle with excitement. He opens the door and holds it for me. We walk into the front desk.

"Reservation for Nick." He says to the host.

"Right this way." The host says leading us to a table. There was wine glasses on the table along with plates and napkins. Nick pulls my chair out for me. I sit down. Then he sits across from me.

"This is so cool." I said to Nick. "I love it." I smiled wide. So much my cheeks started to hurt.

"I wanted to do somthing special for you." He smiled at me thus time actually with teeth.

"Well you did. This," I pointed to the table. "This is amazing."

"I know I'm just so cool I set it all up." He laughed. "Now come on lets order.

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