16. Please

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I woke up on the couch in the living room. I held my head in pain trying to figure out why the hell I'm on the couch and not in my bed. Then I realize. Everything sets in. It happend. It wasn't a dream. I really fucked up this time. I look for my phone and found in on the floor at 30 percent. I check the time. 11:30. None of the boys were up yet. They all usually sleep till like 1 or 2. I have time to think about what the hell I'm supposed to do to make Nick forgive me. How do I show him I love him and only him. I laid there in thought when an idea popped into my head. A pick. Yes a pick. Like a guitar pick. I have been playing for about 5 years I don't really tell anyone I do because I suck at it. Well not that bad but not super great. I used to write songs till one day I couldn't anymore. I had finally been happy. Now all of thats so close to being gone. I can't lose Nick. He is the only reason I'm still alive. I'm not going to tell him that. I don't want him to think I'm manipulating him. Now back to the pick. This pick has been with me since the day I started. I have lost it and found it a million times. That pick means a lot to me. It reminds me of my old gutair teacher who I left behind in Utah when I moved  4 years ago. He knew I ment a lot to me because of my love language being gifts. I was going to put a hole in it and get a chain and thread it through and make it a necklace. I know it sounds stupid but he will understand. He knows me better then anyone. Even Alex. I get up going into the bathroom to get ready. Luckily I keep my makeup in there. I can just wear the clothes I have on now. I never put pj's on so it's fine. I put on my beanie Nick gave to me. I did my eyeliner and left for Michael's.

When I got to Michael's, the store not a person, I went straight to the jewelry section to pick out a small sliver chain. Perfect. I bought it a went back home. I got home at like 12:15. All the boys were asleep but geroge. He was sitting at the island eating cereal.

"Hey geroge." I said smiling small.

"Oh hey Liz. You doing better?" He asked

"Honestly no, but I'm trying to fix it with Nick. I got a idea to show him how much he means to me. I got him a necklace with my pick threaded onto it." I explained to him. "I know that sounds stupid but I hope he understands it."

"I'm sure he will. He loves you so he can't stay mad at you for too long. I think that he will accept your apology." He said.

"I hope so." I sighed. "I dont know what I would do without him. He is literally my life."

"It will all be ok." He tried to comfort me.

"I really hope it will. I was thinking of doing more. Like maybe taking him out to a park and make a little picnic with all his favorite foods." I said.

"That's really cute." Geroge smiled. "If you need any help I'm here."

"I might. I need to figure out how to get him to come out with me." I said.

"I would say I could take him but I can't drive so." He said trying to help. "I'll see if I can talk to him. Right now he won't even talk to Clay. He was up all night talking to him while you slept in the living room." He explained.

"I hope he doesn't stay mad at Clay." I said sad. I hope I didn't ruin their relationship.

"I'm sure it will all work out." He smiled at me.

"I'll try to set things up before they wakeup." I said. I walk over to the table and take the chain out and get my pick from the back of my phone. I take a needle and poke a small hold through it and widened it with a toothpick. After it was wide enough I slipped it on the chain. I took some paper and wrote a note.

"Dear Nick,
I know I have screwed up a lot. Like a lot a lot but I'm not coming to beg you to get back with me. I'm coming to tell you all the reasons I love you. I love you for your sense of humor. I love you when you smile without your teeth. When you kiss my head while I'm laying on your chest and you say I love you when I cry. I love how you cuddle me when I'm sad and make me laugh when no one else can. I will always love you more then anyone. You are my soulmate. When I first saw you I knew it." I ended the letter at that. With love  lizzie. I put it an envelope and wrote love Liz. I put the necklace in it aswell.

I sat there in panic wait for the moment to happen. Waiting for him to wake up. My leg was shaking violently. I shook my hands trying to get the nerves to go away. I helped a little not much. That when I heard the door open. Footstep got closer. I knew immediately that, that was Nick. I panicked and try to compose myself. I failed.

"Hi." I said quietly.

"Hello lizze." He said in a cold tone.

"I have somthing for you." I got up and gave him the envelope. He opened it right infront of me, which I wasn't expecting. He pulled the note out first. I see his face go from angry to calm. He pulled the necklace out. He looked up and knew what it was and the importance it had to me.

"Is this your favorite pick." He asked.

"Yeah. He gave it to me because I was his favorite and I pass it on because you are the man I love. I one day hope that you will pass it on to someone you love as much as I love you." I said giving a small speech.

He sat there for a second. Probably  trying to understand. Then out of nowhere he bear hugged me. I was shocked at first but then I hugged him back. He picked me up and spun around and put me back on the ground pulling me into a kiss that was more passionate then any kiss we have ever had. He pulled away so just our foreheads were touching. "I Love you more then I love anyone in this world. You are the best thing to happen to me." He said.

"I'm sorry I did that. I talked to Clay about it and we both said it was a accident and it wouldn't happen again." I told him about our conversation last night.

"Don't worry I forgive both of you. I know it ment nothing. I was just drunk and mad that you kissed another boy even though I said i would be fine with it." He explained. "I mean it still doesn't make me a little insecure about it but I know you are Clay wouldn't do anything like that."

"I'm glad you know I love you more then any man in the world. Even harry styles." I joked.

"Even harry styles." He joked with me. "You must really love me." He smiled.

"Even harry styles." I smiled standing on my tip toes to kiss his lips softly.

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