4. Kiss Me

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So do you guys want some breakfast/lunch." Clay asked.

My stomach growled. "Yea I would like some."

"I can door dash us some food." Nick said.

"No you guys don't have to spend money on is we already spent the night." I said.

"Shut up I want food." Alex slapped my arm.

"That fine we can get you some food. What do you want?" Nick asked.

"I'm down for some McDonald's." Alex said.

"Yeah that's cheap lets do that. I want a big Mac that it." I said.

Alex order his food as well. I went and sat down next to Nick.

"You feeling any better." He asked.

"Yeah my head just hurts but I think your kiss helped me fall asleep." I smiled.

"Oh it wasn't Alex." He said.

"I told you we didn't do anything." I said kinda irritated.

"That's not what meant!" He said irritated. "That's not what I meant." He said quietly.

He looked down at his laptop. I heard Alex and Clay leave to go do something. It was just me and him.

"Look at me." I said. He looked at me then my lips. Then back at me. I moved in closely to him. I felt his breathing hitch. "Kiss me." I whispered. He looked shocked at first.

"What?" He questioned making sure he heard me right.

"I said Kiss me." He looked me in the eyes and slowly moved in I felt his hand slide on to my thigh. My breath stopped for a second. His lips lightly touched mine. He moved slightly more till it became a full kiss. It slowly became more heated. I felt his and go from my thigh up to my waist. He pulled me closer. I slide my hands into his hair. Playing with it. He picked me up putting me on his lap. I could feel something poking me. I giggled a little. He pulled away.

"What are you laughing about?" He asked offended.

"I can feel you, you know." I said a little embarrassed.

"Oh." His face turned red.

"Its hot tho." I smirked

"Oh." His eyes glazed over with lust. "Well if that's it I should do this." He slide his hands up my shirt so his skins was on mine. He kissed me again but this time differently this time it felt like he needed me. He began to play with my bra strap. I could feel him begging me to take it off.

"Take it off already." I breathed trying to catch my breath.

"Oh I will." He smirked. His lips connected with mine again. With the same intensity of the last kiss. He fumble with my bra strap. Struggling to get it off.

"Do you need help?" I smiled at him Struggling.

"No I got this." As he said it I felt the pressure of my bra strap go loose.

I breathed heavily. I took off my bra and threw it on the ground his hand immediately went to my breasts. He began to rub them. I felt myself get turned on by this.

"Oh yeah just like that." I breathed heavily. I felt him take off my shirt so my chest was right there for him to see.

"You're so fucking sexy." He took all of me in. His lips attached to my neck sucking hard to leave a hickey. He slowly kissed down my chest so close to where I want him to be. That's when we hear the door open and things drop to the floor. I turn around to see Alex and Clay standing at the door with our Mc Donald's which is now on the floor. Both groups of people stared at each for a good 30 seconds. I saw both the boys eyes drift down to look at my chest. As soon as I saw that I grabbed shirt and bra and ran into the spare bedroom. I heard another door shut which I assumed was Nick's. I put my bra and shirt back on. I looked at myself in myself in the mirror I saw a big hickey where he sucked. I put my hand over it a little embarrassed but turned on at the same time. I began to feel more embarrassed when the situation finally sat in. I began to feel tears fall down my cheeks. I put my head in my hands. I mean I have to drive home with Alex. I heard someone open my door.

"Hey." I heard Nick say. I looked over at him. "You cry alot." He joked trying to make me laugh. It got a small giggled out of me. "Are you ok baby." He came over to me and sat right next to me on the bed.

"I'm just so embarrassed. I can't believe they saw me like that. I've known Alex for a long time. And now he's seen way too much." I cried.

"Its ok. I'm embarrassed too but we can be embarrassed together." He smiled small. He brought his hand up to my face. I lent Into his hand. He whipped tears off my face. "You know not knowing for long I do really care about you. And I was wondering if I could get your phone number?"

"Ofcores you can. I mean we just made out for like 5 minutes. So I might also like you." I laughed.

"Ok." He kissed me on the lips quickly. "Lets go brave the men." He grabbed my hand and fixed my hair. "We got this." He squeezed my hand. We walked out to seeing Clay and Alex laughing.

"Did you two have a good time." Alex teased us. Mt face went bright red again. Tears started to roll down my face again.

"Now kook what you did Alex." Clay hit Alex's arm. "Hey it's ok Lizzie." He came up to me and gave me a hug and rested his head on mine. I felt Nick tense up when Clay hugged me. I broke the hug and looked over at Nick and squeezed his hand to reassure him.

"We should probably get going." I looked at Alex. "As much as we love you guys I do have work to do."

"Yeah we should probably leave." Alex agreed with me.

"Wait." Nick looked at me. "I never got your phone number."

"Oh yeah let me go grab my phone I went back into the room I was staying in and grabbed my phone.
I walked out to see Nick and Alex staring eachother down. "Here's my phone so you can put your number in." I gave him my phone.

"Oh can I get yours too." Clay asked.

"Yeah totally." I looked at my phone and noticed what Nick set his name to in my phone. "Sexy Man" I giggled and gave my phone to Clay. He put his number in and gave it back to me.

"Well we should get going." I looked at Alex. He shook his head in agreement. Me and Alex made out way towards the door. When Alex and I walked out the door I felt a Hand pull on mine.
I looked back to see Nick holding my hand

"Drive safe ok. Text me when you get home." He said very concerned about me.

"Nick I'll be fine I promise. Alex won't let anything happen to me." I reassured him.

"I know. He's just Alex." He seemed irritated about him.

"I'll be ok." I kissed him on the cheek and left.

I ran out to see Alex in the car staring at his phone looking a little pissed. Why are all these men pissed off.

"Hey sorry I was talking to Nick." I smiled at him.

"That's ok." He continued to look at his phone.

"What kind of music do you want to listen too?" I asked him.

"I don't care." He still looked at his phone.

"Ok ill play one direction." I knew that always pissed him off.

"Fine." Through all of this he didn't even look up from his phone. I drove the whole car ride in silence.

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