6. A Month later

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Alex come back to my house to pick up his things and leave. He didn't say anything and neither did  I. I haven't seen him or talked to him in a month. Slowly I was getting better but I still was a mess. Me and Nick started dating and soon I began to spend most of my time at Clay's and Nick's house. So much so I even have brought my cat Bean to stay with me at their house.

I was working on a video when I heard the door to my room open. I looked to see Nick walking in. "Hey cutie." I said to him smiling.

"Hey babe." He walked over to me and put his head on my chair. "Whatcha doing?" He asked.

"Filming a video. I'm starting a dream life series, so I'm making myself as a sim." I explained to him.

"Oo you should make me." He teased.

"I already did." I switched to his sim I made of him.

"Oh shit that's good." He looked closer at the screen "Your pretty good at this stuff." He laughed.

"I sure hope so it is my job." I laughed.

"Here stand up." He told me.

A little confused I stood up wondering why he would ask me. He sat down on my chair stealing it from me. "Heyyyy that's my chair." I complained. He then pulled me down so I was sitting on his lap.

"I just wanted you to give me attention." He laughed "you've been in here all day." He hugged me and put his head on my shoulder.

"Because unlike you I actually do stuff for my YouTube channel." I mocked him.

"I do stuff." He tired to defend himself but failed.

"Both me and you know that you do nothing." I laughed at him.

"I do too do stuff. I just streamed the other night with karl."He said still trying to defend himself.

"When was the last time you put something on youtube?" I asked

"A month ago." He said defeated.

"That's what I thought bitch." I laughed at him.

"Oh shut up." He began tickling me. My one weakness.

"No no no stop." I laughed uncontrollably. I kicked trying to get free but he was much stronger then me. He easily picked me up and threw me on the bed getting on top to tickle me more. "I'm begging you please stopp." I was moving all around trying to escape his grasp.

"Not untill you apologize for attacking me." He said.

"Fine fine I'm sorry." I gave in still laughing. He left go of me and stopped tickling me. "Thank you." I breathed heavily lying next to him on my bed still smiling.

I looked over to see him staring at me. "What do I have somthing on my face." I laughed at him.

He brought his hand to my face and moved my crazy hair out of it and placed a small kiss on my lips.

"I love you." He said thoes three words quietly. I was shocked my eyes widen.

"You what?" I asked confused sitting up.

"I said I love you." He sat up sitting next to me. I looked at him and pulled him in for a kiss. He was shocked at first then quickly realized what was going on. I pulled away smiling.

"I love you more then you could ever think." I said to him smiling. This time he pulled me in for a kiss.

"Oh I'm so glad you didn't just reject me to my face." He laughed relaved.

"Why would I do that?" I asked him.

"We met only a month ago. I didn't expect you to fall for me at all let alone this fast." He sighed putting his head in his hand.

Brining his head up to meet his eyes I said. "The moment I saw you was the moment I fell in love with you. When we kissed for the first time it was like fireworks in my stomach. I was so happy that a guy like you would go for me. I mean im definitely not the prettiest girl ever." I laughed at the last part.

"You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen." He put his head to mine. "I wouldn't trade you for the world."

I felt like I was ontop of the world. I could have stayed here for days. Next to Nick. It felt like home. "So I was wondering since you already pretty much live here if you would want to move in with me and Clay I already asked him and he said it's fine. If it's moving to fast for you tell me." He looked at me worried.

"I would love to live here. " I smiled at him. I loved him more then anything in the world. My life would be perfect but I'm missing one big part Alex. I've tried to get over it I mean I have Nick now but I miss him more then anything in the world. My face must have dropped thinking about him because Nick asks me if I'm fine.

"Yeah I just am still struggling with losing Alex." I had a small smile on my face as I try to hide my real feelings.

"Come here baby." He pulls me close to him so my head is resting on his chest while his arms are around my head. He kisses the top of my head. I stayed there crying g softly. I missed him so much. "Hey let's go do somthing to get your mind off of it. Do you want some ice cream?" He asked me.

"Yeah." I sniffed. "Can we go to marcon shop to get some Gelato instead?" I asked him looking up to him.

"Ofcores. Let's go." We walk out to see Clay sitting on the couch watching TV. I grabbed my wallet.

"Where are you two going?" Clay asked.

"To the macron shop in the mall. Did you want anything?" Nick asked Clay.

"Yeah can you get me some macrons I dont care what flavor." He said.

"Will do mildew." I said.

"Ok lets go." Nick grabbed his keys as we left for the macron shop. When we got to the car he opened the door for me.

"Such a gentleman." I giggled.

"At Your service my lady." He joked.

"Ew I hated that." I laughed at him.

"You don't like my lady?" He laughed along with me.

"No it makes me sound old." We got into the car. He put his hand on thigh as we drove to the shop.

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