3. Night With Sapnap

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"Ok Karl is getting a Uber to his hotel." Nick came over to me on the couch. "So you can have the spare bedroom or sleep on the couch."

"I'll take the couch." Alex said. "I cant make her take the couch."

"Thanks Alex." I hugged him.

"Here I'll take you to your room." Nick helped me stand up he walked to the room.

"Aww this is cute. Just like you." I smiled.

"Thanks lizzie." He chuckled at my drunken self.

"Do you have ang extra shirts that I can use for pajamas?" I asked him.

"Yeah I do let me go grab one." He left the room. I sat down on the bed and put my hands in my head. I do not feel good. Soon he came back in with a shirt in his hands.

"Thank you sir." I started to take my clothes off.

"Woah what are you doing." He cover his eyes really quickly.

"Oh sorry I forgot you were there." I laughed. "My bad."

"Ok have a good night Lizzie." He smiled at me. He never showed his teeth when he smiled. I wonder why.

He shut the door I got undressed I slipped off my bra and pants and put his shirt on. It was big and baggy on me and smelled just like him. I got in bed and laid down in bed. I couldn't fall asleep. I felt so weird. That when I felt it the nausea. I need to find the bathroom. I got out of bed not even thinking about putting pants on. I ran I Alex.

"Alex Alex Alex." I shook him awake.

"What huh." He woke up with a confused look on his face.

"Where's the bathroom. I need the bathroom." I gaged

"Oh shit. It down the hall to the 1st door to the left. " He pointed out.

I ran into the bathroom a quick as possible. And threw up. I heard the door open to see Nick.

"Hey are you ok." He asked me walking over to me. "You look kinda pale." He sounded

"Do I look ok." I looked over at him with a pissed face.

"What can I do to help." He looked worried for me.

"Can you just get me some water?" I asked him.

"Ofcores I can." He said. He left me in the bathroom. I sat next to the toilet crying. I have felt this bad in a long time.

He came back in with some water I looked at him crying.

"Oh shit are you ok." He knelt down next to me.

"I haven't felt this bad in a long time and I just want it to be over." Tears streamed down my face.

"Hey come here it will be ok." He hugged me. I just cried into his neck. He just sat there with me. I pulled away and wiped my tears.
I feel better now.

"I feel better now." I told him.

"Ok let me walk you to your room." He helped me up from my crouched position. That's when I realized that I didn't have pants on. I tried to pull the shirt down but you could definitely see my butt. He looked down and I saw him blush. I could tell he got alot stiffer. In his body not his dick. You dirty dogs. He tried to not look down at all as he lead me to my bedroom. He helped me to sit on the bed. I began to cry again as he left. He heard my sniffle and turned back around.

"Ok you are obviously not okay." He looked worried for my well-being even though we just met. He sat next to me on my bed and put his arms around me. I shoved my head into his arm and cried for no reason. Just all my stress finally let go. "Look at me." He pulled my head up so I looked at him. "Everything will be ok." Out of just pure instinct I put my forehead against his. He seemed shocked at first but slowly got used to it. It was now about 3 am.

"You must be tired." I told him.

"I'm fine." He responded.

"Are you sure?" I asked him

"I mean I'm a little tired." He yawned.

"Just go to bed I'll wake up Alex." I said.

"Ok goodnight." He gave me a small kiss on my cheek. My face flushed up. He left my room so I was alone on my bed as soon as I heard my door shut I felt tears well up in my eyes. I've been so stressed out about YouTube. I tried to fall asleep but I couldn't. All I could do is cry. I put on pants and went out to see Alex.

"Hey Alex." I woke him up my pushing on his arm.

"Huh." He looked up at me with his hair in his mouth.

"Can you come sleep with me?" I asked with tears running down my face.

"You ok." He looked at me.

"I just can't be alone right now." I said.

"Ok ill grab my stuff." He sat up and grabbed his blanket and pillow. We walked to the guest room. "Do you want me to sleep on the floor?" He asked.

"No your ok I don't care. You can sleep In the bed with me." I said.

"Ok." He said not caring enough to argue. He climbed into be fell asleep. I got back into bed with him. I curled up next to him and fell asleep.

I woke up to someone having their arm on me. I turned around to see Alex right next to me. I completely forgot that he was in my bed. I looked at my phone to see it was like 1 in the afternoon. I got up and it woke Alex up. His hair was everywhere and his beanie was right next to him.


He sat straight up. Looking a little shock. "Oh shut the fuck up." He grabbed his beanie and put it back on.

"Awww your so cute when your grumpy." I teased him.

"Shut up." He threw a pillow at me. I laughed. " ugh my head hurts so much." Be held his head in pain.

As soon as he said that I felt my headache come on strong. "Oh shit mine does too." I put my hand on my head. Well let's go see if they have some pain Killers. Alex got out of the bed and fixed his beanie then we walked out together. I look at myself in the mirror my hair was crazy and my makeup was running down my face. Well I look like shit.

We walked into the living room to see sapnap on the couch right next to Clay they were both on their laptops.

"Oh hey guys." Clay said he look up at us and looked a little shocked.

"Where did you sleep last night Alex?" Nick said.

"I slept with Lizzie." He said.

"Oh." He said kinda quietly.

Then I realized why Clay made that face. My makeup was running my hair was mess Alex's hair was a mess. And we slept in the same bed.

"Oh shit no no its not what you think." I said starting to panic. Alex's soon also realized what they were thinking.

"We did not fuck last night. At least I didnt think we did." He laughed.

"No we didn't." I put my head in my hand.

"Well it really did look like that." Clay wheezed.

"Haha yeah a little." Nick rubbed the back if his neck.

"We are definitely just friends." I put my hand on Alex's shoulder.

"Yep just friends." He slapped my back.

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