7. Lets tell the world.

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We pulled up the the macron shop I got out quickly. I love this place it always makes me happy. "Thanks for taking me." I said to Nick. We got out of the car and he opened my door for me helping me out. He slipped his hand into mine as we walked into the shop. The owner greeted us with a smile.

"Aw my two favorite costumers back again." She laughed.

"Yes we come here way too much but I love it so much." I smiled at her Nick agreed with me.

"So what can I get for you today?" She asked us.

"Can we get a box of 15 macrons?" I said.

"Yes ofcourse, what were the flavors you wanted?" She asked.

"We will just get them all chocolate." I said.

"Ok sounds good. Anything else?" She asked us.

"Yeah I was some raspberry Gelato. What do you want Nick." I turned to him.

"I'll take the same thing." He said.

"Ok sounds good you two. Let me get things ready.

"Thanks for taking me." I said to Nick smiling at him.

"Ofcourse, you deserve it." He laughed.

"I mean I don't think I do but I'll take it." I laughed.

"Oh definitely you are totally the worst person in the world." He teased me.

"Oh shut up." I rolled my eyes.

"I'm just pointing out facts" He laughed.

"I'll punch you don't think that I won't." I stared him down. Squinting at him.

"Oh I'm so scared. Your so big and tall and scary." He continued mock me.

"Ok you stuff is ready." The owner said. "That will be 35 dollars please."

Nick quickly took out his card to pay for it before I could even argue to pay for it. "You should let me pay sometimes. I feel bad you buy me things all the time."

"No." He said.

"Come on." I rolled my eyes. I kinda enjoyed it considering that my love language is gifts. We grabbed out stuff and headed back home. Luckily it was a short drive so my Gelato didn't melt.

"Were back!" I yelled trying to get Clay's attention. I put the macrons on the table.

"What flavors did you get?" Clay asked me.

"Just chocolate because  I didn't know what you wanted so we went with the delicious but safe flavor." I said. He grabbed a few then went back to the living room shouting thank you as he left. Nick came in with the two Gelatos in his hands.

"You forgot these." He laughed a little.

"Ope my bad let me take one of those." I took one we sat down on the island in the kitchen enjoy our Gelato.

"So I was thinking maybe we could go public. Like release a video. If you don't want to we don't have to but I would like it." I asked nervously.

"Yeah I'm totally down for that." He responded.

"Ok good." I sighed in relief. "I was thinking since I'm releasing my new lets play of my dream life we could do it in that video."

"That would be cool." He said.

"Ok sounds good.  I don't know how much our audience over cross but I'm sure some people will know who you are and vice-versa with your channel." I said.

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