2. Meeting Sapnap

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Quackity had been here for two days. We've been doing stuff around town. Like going to the beach. But today he told me he had a plans with his other friends.

"So I'm meeting up with my other friends and I think you would get along with them well. So I was wondering if you'd like to come?" He asked.

"Oh yeah totally that will be really fun." I said.

"Ok it's like a 30 minute drive." He told me.

"So what are there names?" I asked him.

"Oh its Nick and Clay." He said like I knew who the were.

"Ok cool." I just went alone with it. "When do we have to leave?"

"In about a hour" He responded.

"Oh so I should definitely go get ready." I laughed.

"It take you that long to get dressed. What the fuck do you do." He laughed.

"A lot of things." I laughed.

I headed to the shower I got in for about 10 minutes. That left me with 50 minutes. I put my hair up into in towel trying to dry it. I went over to my closet to pick an outfit. I pulled out my black baggy ripped jeans and put some fishnets underneath them so you could see it peeking through the rips I put on a crocheted crop top that I made. I went into my bathroom and stared at myself trying to figure out what to do with my hair. I decided to curl loose waves into my hair and curl my bangs. I finally got done it only took about a hour all together so we had 30 minutes to make it to there house on time.

"Ok I'm ready." I took my bag and started walking to the door.

"It only took you 12 years." He laughed.

"It takes time to look this good." I gestured to myself.

He just laughed and put his head down. I grabbed my keys and walked out to my car. I got in and turned on the car. Music started blasting which scared the crap out of me. Alex burst into laughter. "Hahahahahah your such a pussy."

"No I'm not bitch!" I punched him in the arm. "Ok buckle up moron." I turned on my music and back out if the driveway.

The car ride felt faster then it was. Me and Alex talked the whole time about random stuff. More video ideas we can do together.

We pulled up to a decent sized house. I pulled into the driveway and stopped. "So this is it right?" I asked.

"It should be." Alex said.

"Ok lets go knock then. But you'll knock and ill stand behind you." I told him.

"Ok come on lets go." He got out of the car quickly. I took my keys out and grabbed my phone and jogged so I could keep up with Alex. We got to the door. He knocked on it and a few seconds later a tall blonde haired very attractive man opened the door.

"Alex hey!" The man said.

"Hey Clay!" They did the secret man handshake.

So his name is Clay. He sounds very familiar but I can't put my finger on why.

"Who's this?" Clay gestured towards me.

"Oh this is Lizzie." He pointed to me.

"Nice to meet you Lizzie. I'm Clay." He held out his hand for me to shake it. I shook it.

"Come on in guys." He stepped out of the door way for us to come in. "Karl is coming soon." He told Alex.

"Ok cool."

Clay walked us over to the living room where I saw another person. I looked at him and felt my cheeks turn red. A shorter man was stand up to greet us. He was wearing a hat covering his brown hair. His eyes were a dark green color. I couldn't stop staring at him. He probably thought I was creepy.

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