10. Fanfic with Quackity

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I was laying next to Nick. Breathing heavily because of what just happend. I sat there in amazement of how good he was.

"Well that was amazing." He let a small giggle out while trying to catch his breath.

"Yeah it really was." I laughed with him. "Lets definitely do that again."

"Oh yeah we will. We will do it every night." He laughed.

"Now don't be getting that idea in your head." I laughed. "I'm not a man so I have other thoughts in my head." I teased him.

"I have other thoughts." He defend himself.

"Like what minecraft and football." I laughed.

"Oh shut up." He laughed along with me. I sat up in my bed stretching and grabbed my phone which was on the side table of my bed. I got a text from Alex asking if we could stream together tonight.

Hells yeah

I responded to him. He didn't tell me what the stream was because he wanted it to be a surprise.

It starts at 6 so be there ;)
He sent.

I will I will
I responded.

After a few hours of me and Nick chilling in my room with my head rested on his chest and scrolled through tik tok. Laughing hard at people falling over. Yes im just that evil.

"I'm starving lets get soming to eat." I told Nick.

"When are you not hungry babe." He teased me.

"Oh shut the fuck up." I pushed him lightly smiling at his dumb joke.

"Come on lets go feed you." He stands up and reaches out his hand to help me get up. I grabbed it and he pulled me up. We put our clothes back on and I happily make my way towards the door to the living room and plop down on the couch. Nick comes and sits next to me. "So what do you want?" He asked me. "Looking for fast food or a sit down place.?"

"Oh oh oh let's go to Red Robin!" I said with a big smile.

"Ok babe." He smiled at my excitement.

"Yessss!" I jump off the couch ready to go. Then I remember I'm literally in pajamas. "Okay maybe I should change first." I giggled. I made my way back into my room and put on a pair on cream overalls that my dad always said that I look like a painter in. I put on a black crop top under the overalls and grab my docs to put on and a pair of socks. I sit down on my bed so I can put my docs on. After I get dressed I comeout to the living room to see Nick dressed and ready to go.

"You ready?" He asked me grabbing his keys.

"Yeah let me just go tell Clay what we are doing." I walked to Clay's room and knocked on the door.

"Come in." I heard him say.

I crack the door open so I could sticky head through. "Me and Nick are going to Red Robin." I told him.

"Ok sounds good. You two have fun." He smiled at me. I close the door and make my way to the front door where Nick was waiting for me.

"Ok lets go." Nick motioned to the door.

We ate then came back home around 5 o'clock just in time for me to get ready for Alex's stream. I went into my room to set everything up. I turned on my lights and camera and made sure all my settings were right so we could be ready as soon as possible. I sat and watched some of my friends YouTube videos as I waited for the stream.

I finally got a text from Alex saying hes about to start. I pull up my discord and waited for him to start a call. He started a call and I joined almost immediately. I was always early to things because of anxiety.

"Hey! Lizzie!" Alex smiled into the camera. "You ready for this shit." He laughed.

"Yeah I am." I responded.

He had already started the stream he just turned on his camera and muted. I assumed he was explaining what the stream was going to be. I had no idea so its going to be a surprise. I sat there waiting till I heard him say hello.

"Hey Lizzie can you hear me?" He asked un muting himself.

"Yes I can." I responded.

"Well now I can finally reveal what we are doing." He said all dramatically. "We are oooo.... Reading fanfiction" He yelled.

"No fucking way." I laughed not expecting that is what we were going to do today.

"So I went on the famous website Wattpad and looked for some fanfic to read. Oh boy there was a lot. I tried  to find clean ones you know without the icky stuff." He explained to me. "I have a lot of x-readers. We will also be trying to find ones live so I you guys have any suggestions feel free to share via the donation specifically for that purpose. We will open that later. Lets now look at our first story." He changed his tab to the first story.

"Ok this is called x-reader one shots what does oneshots even mean?" He asked.

"Its like small one off stories." I explained to him.

"Why the fuck do you know that?" He laughed.

"I read a lot of one direction fanfic as I child." I laughed embarrassed.

"Ofcores you did." He laughed at me. "Ok lets go. So the description of this one is a winter night with quackity. Ok Lizzie you'll be y/n and ill be me." He told me.

"Ok lets do this thing." I said. It started out with a monolog of how her and quackity met. Then it got into the romance. It was a bit odd reading things like that. Mostly because you know the whole I love you situation.

"He leand into me and placed a kiss on my lips." I barely got out without laughing. "He turned to me and said I love you." The story continued with stuff like that.

After a few hours of us reading odd fanfic we ended the stream. As soon as we got off the stream I burst out laughing. "What just happend?" I laughed. "I love fanfic it's absolutely amazing. People really just be coming up with the weirdest shit." Alex laughed along with me.

"Oh yeah it definitely gets weird. I think this was a really good stream. I'm so glad you agreed to doing this. I knew are subscribers would love it." He said to me.

"Its nice talking to you." My laugh died down. I smiled into the camera. "I really missed this. I really missed you."

"I missed you too." He smiled at me. "I'm just glad you actually responded to me. It was definitely a surprise after what I did." He said putting his head down slightly.

"You did nothing wrong if anything I did. I should have told you in a better way but that's behind us so we can forget about it. Pretend like it never happened." I explained to him.

"What happened?" He made a stupid joke getting a small chuckle out of me. "Well you probably want to go talk to Nick so I'll leave."

"No I want to talk to you bros before hoes you know." I joked with him. This time I made him laugh and my stupid joke.

We hung out for hours late into the night talking about nothing
It was nice really nice.

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