8. Hes back from the dead

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As I saw that text my heart started to beat fast as I begin to panic. What could he have said. I want to look but at the same time I dont want to. I was just starting to get over this and I dont want to be hurt again. I slowly pick up my phone and open the text. It's simply says


I stared at my phone not knowing what to do. I heard the door open to my room I turned to see what I thought to be Nick but it was Clay.

"Whatcha do-" He cut off when he look at my face. "Hey are you ok do you need me to get Nick."

"He texted me." I said. "Alex, he texted me." I stare blankly my whole brain is broken I have no idea what to do. I have thought that I lost him but he's back.

"Oh shit really? What did he say?" He asked.

"He just said hey. That's all he said. What am I supposed to say to that?" I asked.

"I have no idea. You should go tell Nick." He told me.

"Ok I should." I got up and walked into Nick's room and opened the door slowly he was on his computer watching somthing. He turned to see me at the door and immediately knew somthing was wrong.

He got up walked over to me and hugged me. "Whats wrong babe." He held me.

"Alex he texted me." I felt tears begin to fall as I explained what happened.

Nick held me there as I cried. He walked me over to the bed and we sat down. He pulled away and kissed my forehead. "I love you." He whispered.

"I love you too." I sniffed starting to calm down.

"What did he say?" He asked me.

"All he said was hey. I don't know if I should respond or not." I said.

"Well to be honest I think you shouldn't because im selfish and want you all to myself but I know it would be better for you to talk to him again. All I want is for you to be happy. If having him in your life makes you happy then I will be happy to have him back." He smiled at me. He was always so caring when I came down to things. Very thoughtful.

"Thank you." I rested my head on his shoulder. "I think I might text him back. Maybe tomorrow because I'm tired and I need to sleep." I yawned.

"You want to sleep in here tonight." He asked.

"Yeah." I responded.

"Ok lets get some rest then." I got off the bed went to his closet and grabbed one of his shirts to sleep in. I took my pants off just so I was in my underwear. Nick slipped his shirt off so he was just in shorts. We laid in bed snuggling up to echother. Until we feel asleep.

I woke up the next morning at 10 am. I cuddle up next to Nick who was still asleep. I laid there in silence hearing his soft breathing. I finally sat up to grab my phone I saw the text I was hoping that I would forget about.


I looked at it sat there trying to think of somthing to say. I just said


I sat there staring at my screen scared about what he would say. A part of me didn't want him to text me back, but a part of me did. After a few minutes of me staring blankly at the screen another texted came through.

How have you been? He texted me back.

Good. I've moved in with Nick and Clay. I've missed you a lot though. I said. For some reason I decided not to beat around the bush.

I'm glad for you. I really am and I missed you a lot too. He responded quickly. A small smile came across my face as I played with the side of my case. I was happy he was back. I laid back down next to Nick and snuggling back up to him. I have the two most important people of my life. Me and Alex texted back and forth talking about our life's. He said he's been focusing a lot on his school work and streaming. Which is always what he does.

I felt Nick move in bed so he was spooning me. He kissed my neck sweetly. "Good mong babe." I said to him.

"Good morning." He mumbled putting his head in my neck.

"Did you sleep well?" I asked him.

"Mhm." He mumbled again trying to wake up. He's always slept in late probably because he stays up late. "Whatcha you doing?" He asked me.

"Texting Alex." I said casually. Like nothing happened.

"What?" He sat up. "Why are you doing that?" He asked me.

"Because I love him like a brother and I need him in my life." I explained.

"Ok sounds good to me. If your happy I'm happy. Even if I'm a little jealous." He laughed.

"Why are you so perfect." I sat up and kissed him.

"Because I just am." He joked.

"No seriously I'm not kidding. Your so perfect." I snuggled him. " How could I ever end up with a guy like you."

"I could say the same." He yawned. I sat up to get up to get some breakfast. I felt Nick pull me down.

"Nick I love you but I'm hungry." I laugh at him while I stand up. He gets up with me. I bend over to get my clothes off the ground as I do he smacks my ass. "Fuck you!" I turned around and slapped him laughing.

"I couldn't help it. It was just right in my face." He did his cute little giggle.

"I kinda like it anyway." I smile. Then put my pants back on and made my way into the kitchen. I grabbed some frosted flakes and poured me a bowl. "You want some babe?" I asked Nick.

"Yeah." He came into the living room which was attached to the kitchen and turned on the TV. He switched on Netflix and started playing a show. I took him our bowls and sat right next to him.

My phone buzzed with a notification from Quackity.

So I was wondering if you wanted to do a video with me? I wanted to do a reading fanfic with you. If your comfortable.

I laughed at his text and replied.

Ofcores im comfortable dumb ass. I'm comfortable with most things. The only thing I worry about is Nick he's still a little sensitive but he won't stop me from doing what I want.

He responded.

Just making sure dumb ass. Ok sounds good just lmk when you free  to do it. :)

I responded with

Will do :)

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