17. A day in the life

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I was laying in bed next to Nick while he slept. Trying to think of ideas about a new video. I haven't posted in a few weeks and my subscribers were getting a little concerned for me. I usually post atleast once a week. Unlike all of my friends who post like once a month. I went into my notes on my phone trying to see if older me had any good ideas. I wanted to switch my content up for a day. I love making sims videos but I think it would be nice to mix it up. I scrolled and scrolled until I found the perfect idea. A vlog. Yes I was going to do a random ass vlog. I will probably end up wrapping Nick and Geroge in it aswell. I'll get a few extra views I laughed to myself. When Nick announced us dating I definitely gained tons of subs it kinda felt cheaty but I guess I really can't control it.

I tried to think of somthing we could all do together. I go to Groupon, yes the old lady's app, to try to find ideas of what's around. Obviously Disney was a big part of it but I don't know I kinda wanted somthing different. Then it hit me. Maybe Disney is the right one. Journey to Batoo the sims pack. You know the one made after starwars. I'll force them to go there with me. I look at the clock and see it's literally almost three o'clock. How in the hell do these boys sleep that much. I got out of bed quietly as to not wake up Nick. I make my way towards the door to go take a shower then get ready for the day. I turn the shower on forgetting how loud it was and that I probably just woke Nick up. I wait for the shower to warm up then step in making sure to stay away from the hot water and let my body get used to the heat. I go about the normal shower routine. Shampoo, wash body, shave, and condition. I got out of the shower grabbing my pink towel thats hanging on the rack next to me. I open the door to our room letting some of the steam out. I saw Nick up on his phone. "Hey babe" I said to Nick poking me head out the door.

"Hey babe." He looked up from his phone smiling. His face still a little puffy from just waking up. I turned around and looked in the mirror staring at all the flaws I have. How I stretch marks on my thighs. My ribcage sticks out. And I have a small tummy. I try to suck in air to make my body look thinner with no success. I trace my hand on my body. Today I feel worse then I normally do. I can feel myself going back to my anorexic tendencies. I have been struggling with anorexia since middle school. I only weigh 120 pounds but I still feel like I weigh a lot more. I feel tears start to fill up my eyes because of my appearance today. I wipped them off trying to hold myself together. I dry myself off and go into the room with my towel on to get my bra and underwear. I picked my pink lacey set to try to make me feel pretty. I walk out into our room in my underwear.

"Hey hot stuff." Nick joked.

"I wish." I said. "I look more like a hot mess."

"Nah you are always beautiful. You're my beautiful girl." He smiled at me. He got out of bed to hug me and kiss me.

"Someone's in a good mood today." I smiled at him.

"Because im with you, and I woke up to see you im this." He pointed to me.

"You're such a boy." I laugh at him and roll my eyes. Him saying I'm beautiful and hot always tends to make me happy. All I care about is if he thinks I'm pretty. I don't care about anyone else. "I know it's a great sight but I have to get dressed."

"Aw man." Nick sighed.

"I got a plan for today so you should get dressed too." I told him. As I looked through our shared closet for a shirt.

"What are we doing?" He asked.

"Filming a vlog for my channel." I said. I pulled out my black croptop from my closet.

"How did I get roped into this." He said putting his shirt on.

"You're my boyfriend that's how." I told him. I walk over to our dresser and pull out my plaid shorts. I also grabbed my fishnets. "Don't worry I'm going to try to get geroge to come aswell." I put my shirt on, then my fishnets, and finally my shorts. I look at myself in the mirror feeling a little more confident. I go to the hall bathroom and grabbed the make up I left in there and brought it back to our room. Nick was laying on the bed in his shirt and basketball shorts, with his phone in his hand. I walk into our bathroom and did my makeup. I always put in my eyeliner first because I hate the way I look without it. Then I put the black eyeshadow under my eyes and blend it so it looks like I'm tired. I take my white eyeliner pencil and put it at the end of my eye. Then I do my eyebrows. Then my blush and finally I do my highlighter.

"Ok babe! I'm ready!" I yelled at Nick through the door. "Can you give wake up George?"

"Yeah babe!" He yelled back at me. I put all my makeup away and quickly but my short hair into a half up half down look. I grabbed my favorite mushroom earings. Lastly I grab my matching mushrooms choker. I walk out to see Nick on the couch watching a show. Then I go to George's door and knock on it.

"Hello?" George responded all groggy.

"Did you want to be apart of my vlog?" I asked through the door.

"Yeah I can." He responded.

"Ok we are leaving asap. If you could get dressed real quick then we can go get some food then head to Disney." I yelled.

"Ok." He said back. I would invite Clay but you know. He's still faceless. So I cant really. I then walk over to Clay's door and knock. I waited a second but there was no answer. Im assuming he's sleeping so I walked away into the living room and kitchen. I grab a sticky note from the junk draw in the desk and write a note to Clay saying

We are out filming a vlog if we're not back defore you get up thats where we are- Liz:)

I leave it on the island. Geroge walked out of his room. In his normal attire. I am the only one who actually looked like I cared about my outfit. No hate towards them. I just love fashion. "Are we ready?" I asked the two boys.

"Yeah I am." Nick said getting up off the couch.

"Yeah I just need to grab my wallet. George said. We headed our to the car. Nick was driving because I hate driving more then anything.

I sat in the passenger side while Geroge sat in the back. "Lets turn music on" I said pairing my phone to the Bluetooth playing sweater weather. I sang as we drove the way to the park.

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