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Timeskip 1 year: Today is the Star Awards Festival. Also, Asta is now a little bit taller than Magna. Every Captain, Nacht and Julius are standing on the stage.

Julius: Good evening, everyone! It is good to see, that so much people could come today. I will announce the top 3 squads and then the captain of the first placed squad will talk to al of you. At third place is the Silver Eagle. They have 105 stars!

Everyone: *claps*.

Julius: On the second place is the Golden Dawn with 134 stars!

Everyone: *claps but are surprised that the Golden Dawn are only second place*

Julius: On the first place are the Black Bulls. They have 156 stars!

Everyone: *dumbfounded*

Black Bulls: *celebrate*

Julius: Let us hear the speak of the vice-captain of the Black Bulls, Nacht!

Nacht: Good evening, everyone! I can see all your surprised faces, but the Black Bulls have worked really hard this last year. I have hoped that our captain could have spoken, but it looks like it takes him longer than expe-

Asta: *makes the same entrance as after the time skip*

Everyone: *see someone in the smoke*

Nacht: *facepalms*

Asta: *comes out of the smoke* Nacht you could have told me earlier about the festival! I had to fly on top speed!

Nacht: Sorry, captain. *laughs*

Julius: Everyone! This is the captain of the Black Bulls, Asta!

Everyone: *slowly claps*

Asta: Hello everyone! As you already know my name is Asta! I am sure you all wonder where I was the last year. Well, after the death of Captain Yami, I went to his homeland, Land of the Sun.

Everyone: *surprised*

Asta: Captain Yami asked if I could tell his family in his land about his death. I went there and I also have trained there. The land of the sun is a beautiful land and it has an interesting culture. When I was on my way home, Nacht told me about the festival. Black Bulls! I am very proud of you guys. As always you surpassed your limits and have gotten stronger. And to the people of this country. Starting today I will take the full duty of a squad captain and I will also protect the kingdom!

Everyone: *applaud very loud*

Julius: Now, let us continue the festival!

Captains: *go to Asta*

Fuegoleon: It is nice to have you back, Asta.

Asta: I am also very happy about that.

Rill: Now I am not the youngest anymore! But good luck as a captain, Asta!

Asta: Thanks, Rill.

Fuegoleon: It looks like some people are coming for you. *points behind Asta and leaves with the other captains*

Black Bulls: *run to Asta*

Asta: *smiles* Long time no seen, everyone!

Black Bulls: *hug Asta*

Vanessa: Welcome back, captain! *saying teasingly*

Asta: *laughs* It will take me a long time to get used to be called captain.

Magna: You got a lot taller, Asta! I would have never taught, that you would be taller than me.

Asta: I would have never taught that too.

Luck: Have you gotten a lot stronger, Asta? Please fight me!

Asta: You can bet that I got stronger! But let us fight when we are at the hideout.

Charmy: Was there good food at the land of the sun?

Asta: Yes, there was. I took some recipes with me for you.

Charmy: Thank you Asta!

Asta: No problem.

Noelle: *punches Asta's arm playful* W-why didn't you say something before you left, Bakasta?

Asta: Sorry. I was in an hurry.

Noelle. O-ok. Well, y-you got a lot taller.

Asta: Yep. And you got more beautiful.

Noelle: *blushes a lot* B-bakasta *shoots Asta in the air with water* S-sorry

Vanessa: Does someone has a little crush? *whispers teasingly into Noelle's ear*

Noelle: *blushes more*S-shut up!

Asta: *lands on the floor* Well, your personality hasn't changed a lot *whispers to himself*

Skip when they are at the hideout:

Zora: So, what did you learn in the last year?

Asta: I trained a lot my physics and my anti-magic, completely mastered ki and got better with my new sword.

Luck: New sword?

Asta: Yep. I will show you- *pulls a katana out of his grimoire* This is a antique katana. I got this from the heir of the land of the sun.

Noelle: Why did he give it to you?

Asta: He was a good friend of Yami and he said, if I fight against him and win I get it.

Noelle: Can it do something special?

Asta: Its material is very strong and I can use my anti-magic better on this katana than on a normal katana.

Magna: You got a lot stronger. But can you show us your abilities now?

Asta: Of course. Luck, you wanted to fight me, right?

Luck: Yes!

Acier: *goes into the hideout* Hey everyone!

Asta: Who are you?

Noelle: That's my mother.

Asta: Oh. Good evening, Mrs. Silver. My name is Asta!

Acier: I already know you.

Asta: How?

Acier: Well, first because you were on the stage today and I am you godmother.

Asta: WHAT?! I have a godmother and have never met her?!

Acier: Yea, sorry about that.

Asta: How are you my godmother?

Acier: I was good friends with your mother. When she gave birth to you, she gave you to me, because she couldn't control her power and drained your magic. That's also the reason why you don't have magic. I was also the one who gave you to Orsi.

Asta: Oh, ok.

Acier: I heard you were about to fight with Luck. Can I join? I want to see your powers.

Asta: Sure!

Noelle: A-asta, isn't it too much to fight Luck and my mother at the same time?

Asta: *puts hand on her head* Don't worry, I trained a lot.

Noelle: *blushes* C-can you s-stop with that, I-I am royalty!

Asta: *takes hand of her head* Sorry!

Acier: *smirks* 'So, she has a crush on him'

Second Chapter done!

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