The dinner

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They are wearing the same outfits as for their date. The whole squad is in the common room.

Both: *go in the common room*

Vanessa: Noelle, that dress look good on you.

Noelle: Thank you.

Finral: Haven't thought I would see you in such clothes, Asta.

Asta: What should this mean?! *sighs* Finral, can you bring us in front of the castle of the royal families?

Finral: Sure! *opens portal* Have fun you two!

Noelle: *goes through portal* I hope you can even call it fun.

Asta: *takes her hand* You don't have to worry about something. Let's go or we are late.

Noelle: *smiles* Yea.

They go to the Castle of the Silver family. A guard leads them to the dining room.

Guard: *opens the door for them*

Both: *goes in the room with linked arms*

Nebra, Solid, Nozel

How they will sit at the table: Acier

Noelle, Asta

Asta: *sees that only Acier is there* Good evening, Acier.

Noelle: Good evening, mother.

Acier: Good evening, Asta, Noelle.

Noelle: Are brothers and sister still in their rooms?

Acier: Yes. They will come any moment.

Both take their seats and are talking with Acier.

Nozel, Nebra and Solid come in the room and take their seats.

Solid: *tsk* 'What is this peasant doing here?'

Nozel: Good evening, Noelle, Asta.

Noelle: Good evening, Nozel-nii-sama.

Asta: Good evening, Nozel.

They start eating and it is silent all the time.

Asta: 'That is not what I expect of a family dinner.'

Nozel: Asta, why are you here?

Asta: Acier invited me.

Solid: Mother, why did you have to do that?! We are royals and we don't need to spend time with peasants.

Nebra: Solid shut it. He is still higher ranked than you in the Magic Knights.

Acier: Solid I just wanted to have dinner with my daughter's boyfriend. 'I am eager what their reactions will be'

All 3 of the older siblings drop their forks. Nebra is not that much surprised and decides not to say something.

Solid: You are joking, right? *sees Acier serious face* Noelle, what do you think what are you doing with that peasant?! You are roy- *gets cut of Nozel*

Nozel: *in cold tone* Asta, I think very highly of you. As a peasant and without magic you climbed the ranks of the Magic Knights system faster than anyone before you. But starting a relationship with a royal is too much. And then is it also my sister! *takes out his grimoire and releases his aura and a big silver eagle forms behind him*

Noelle: N-nozel, don't you think you take it to seri- *gets cut off of Asta*

Asta: You don't have to worry, Noelle. I already thought that would happen. *releases the killer intent of Liebe and a big devil of anti-magic what is 2 times bigger than Nozel's eagle appears behind him* If you want to make a showdown between our auras, you can't compete against me.

Nozel: 'This aura... This isn't human.' *starts to form an attack*

Asta: I don't want to fight while a dinner. ANTI-MAGIC: INFINITE VOID!

Nozel's attack and eagle disappears

Asta: With my anti-magic I am the natural counter against everyone in this world. While I have my Infinite Void activated, you can't do anything with your magic. I would like to return to the dinner *sits down and starts eating again*

Nozel: *tsk and sits down* Mother, do you support their relationship?

Acier: Of course! Asta is a nice and strong young man. I can't think of a better partner for Noelle.

Solid: Noelle, why has it to be a peasant?!

Noelle: Asta is nice to me since I joined the Black Bulls. We went to every mission together. At first I was not nice to him but he still helped me to get stronger and kept me company. And I also think as the future Wizard King, Asta has enough status to be together with a royal.

Asta: *smiles to her* 'That were nice words.'

Solid: And why are you so sure that he will be Wizard King?

Noelle: He is already the strongest mage and he has the trust of the people. He has everything what a Wizard King needs.

Nozel: *sighs* I will be okay with this relationship as long you don't hurt her, Asta.

Asta: I would never do that.

Noelle: Mother, how did you know that me and Asta are in a relationship?

Acier: I saw the look on you face and then I already knew that you like him. And when you were on your date, I was also in the restaurant, which you went.

Asta: I think there goes nothing past you.

Acier: Nope. Not when it is about one of my kids.

Asta: So, you also know about Nebra and Zora?

Everyone jaws dropped because of Asta question.

Noelle: Asta, what do you mean?

Asta: Nebra and Zora are also in a relationship. Didn't you know?

Noelle: No!

Nebra: Asta, how do you even know that?

Asta: When I had a late-night session of training, I saw you and Zora making out next to the lake.

Nozel: W-we will talk about it tomorrow.

Nebra: *under her breath* Damn meathead!

The rest of the dinner was not that much interesting. Asta tried every sort of food and praised the cook for everything.

When they finish with the dinner:

Noelle: Thank you mother for the invitation. But we will take our leave now.

Acier: Ok. We should repeat it again soon.

Asta: I would love to. See ya! *leaves with Noelle trough a portal of Finral, who was waiting for them*

When they arrive at the hideout:

Vanessa: How did it go?

Noelle: Not that good, but better then expected. I will tell you everything tomorrow. I am tired. Good night!

Vanessa: Good night!

Asta: Good night, Vanessa and Finral! *runs after Noelle* Wait, Noelle!

Noelle: *turns around* Do you need something, Asta?

Asta: C-can I sleep at your room again?

Noelle: *blushes* Sure.

They go to bed and fall asleep fast

Chapter finished! Sorry if it is a little boring!

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