The meeting

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Asta is flying on his sword and Angst is flying next to him

Asta: Where are we flying?

Angst: We are flying to the place where the last Devil King died, master. There is a item that could help you if there is really a war.

Asta: Alright.

*When they arrive at the location, there is a temple and both go in there*

Asta: What is the item that we are looking for?

Angst: It is a sword, master.

Asta: *looks to his left and see a glowing sword* Do you mean that sword?

Asta: *looks to his left and see a glowing sword* Do you mean that sword?

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(Not my artwork)

Angst: Yes, my master. You just need to pick it up and it should go into your grimoire.

Asta: *picks it up and it goes into his grimoire* What should I do next?

Angst: Please take out your new sword and let the anti-magic of it enter your body.

Asta: *takes out the sword and concentres on the flow of the anti-magic*

*After a few seconds, Asta is in complete darkness*

???: I haven't taught that you would show up that soon.

Asta: *turns around and see a black figure* Who are you? And where am I?

???: I am Satan. I was the last Devil King. And you are in your mindscape right now.

 And you are in your mindscape right now

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(Not my artwork)

Asta: H-Hello, Satan-san. My name is Asta.

Satan: I already know your name. I was waiting here for you since I died.

Asta: Why did you choose me as the next Devil King?

Satan: *chuckles* Because we both are very alike. I lived a similar life liker your foster brother, Liebe until I unlocked my anti-magic powers. And you are the first one after my death who has anti-magic. And I need you to bring equality to this world.

Asta: What do you mean?

Satan: After my death, god and the angels pushed the devils in the underworld and closed the gate. Since you are the next Devil King, they will try to kill you. You need the devils of the underworld if you want to win. After you win you can push the devils in the underworld and the angels into the heaven and close both gates. When you do that, it will be fair to both and the humans don't have to fear about them.

Asta: But will the devils listen to me? I am just a human. And how do I even open the gate again?

Satan: If you unlock more of your powers, most of the devils will follow you. You can kill the other ones. And you can open the gate with your powers.

Asta: How do I get my new powers? And is it really ok if I kill devils? Afterall I am the next Devil King.

Satan: We only need to fuse. But before that I want you to show how the war against god was like. Then you already know a little bit of his powers. And you don't have to worry about killing devils- It is their way how they do stuff.

Asta: Alright.

*Satan touches Asta's forehead and showed him how the war was like*

Satan: Now we can fuse. But before we start, I want to warn you. The fusing will take around half an hour and it will be very painful. And I can't talk to you anymore after that. So, if you want to ask me something, now is your last chance.

Asta: How should I train with my new powers?

Satan: You only have to fight with your instincts. If you are capable of that, you will master your new powers in no time.

Asta: *takes a deep breath* Alright, I am ready.

Satan: Then farewell, Devil King. *fades into Asta*

*Right at the beginning Asta collapse on the floor and screams because of the pain. Everything happens in the mindscape. Outside it looks like he is meditating. After 30 minutes*

Asta: *stands up and feels the new power* Thanks, Satan-san. I will not disappoint you and will win against god. *goes out of his mindscape and sees Liebe and Angst staring at him* Why are you staring at me like that?

Liebe: Because you were meditating more than 4 hours!

Asta: 4 HOURS?! It only felt like 10 minutes!

Angst: What did you do?

Asta: I talked to Satan-san. He showed me the war between devils and angels and gave me his powers.

Angst: Then let's go outside and there should be a new spell in your grimoire.

*When they are outside*

Asta: *takes out his grimoire* Wow. Now I can read everything in my grimoire. *goes to the last page* There is something new. "Anti-Magic-Transformation: Armor of the Devil King". Let's try it out!

*Asta gets surrounded in anti-magic and you can't see him. After a few seconds you can see the new transformation*

(Not my artwork)

Asta: *in demonic voice* This form feels amazing! I should try the new sword. *takes out the new sword* ANTI-Magic: Slash! *A slash of anti-magic flies really fast against a mountain and destroys it* I think I need a lot of training with this form. *goes out of the form*

Liebe: Why do you get so much upgrades? You were already the strongest magic knight and if it goes on like that you will really be equal to god.

Angst: That's the Devil King for you. Bu master, you really need to train. But for today lets go home again, master.

Asta: Alright

*In the distance*

???: I need to tell master that the Devil King gets his powers faster back then we thought. But Devil King, enjoy your as long you can. The war will begin sooner then you think. *disappears* 

And Chapter finished! Sorry if it was not so long after such a long brak! I will try to upload at least one chapte per week! I hope you liked this chapter! See ya!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2022 ⏰

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